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when you land on the carriage roof.
They all stopped as the sound of a train could be heard in
the distance.
 Get ready! Wilson stood on the edge of the bridge.  And
remember to duck down low or else you ll have your head taken
off as we go under the bridge.
The train came round the corner and shot under the bridge
as the four of them jumped onto it s roof. Benjamin s hesitancy
meant he ended up on the roof of the final carriage while the
others were halfway up the train. He crawled along on his belly in
the darkness as the train travelled under the bridge. Finally it
came out into the early evening light. Wilson was standing opposite
him on the top of the next carriage.
 Jump sir! he held out his hand.
Benjamin stood up, took a few steps back and ran for it. He
successfully crossed the eight foot gap to fall into the outstretched
arms of his butler who squeezed him tightly.
 Jolly good show sir! Wilson led him towards the other two
who were three carriages away.
They jumped the gaps and ducked as the train went into a
tunnel through a mountain. Finally they met up with Julius and
 Shall we go down below? Banks loaded his automatic pistol
to leap down onto the side of the train using the step by the door
as a foothold.
Pulling down the window, he reached inside to find the lever
and open the door. Being sent backwards he held on tightly before
climbing around to fall inside the carriage.
 Come on down! he called to the other three who all
lowered themselves off the roof into the train before Banks
slammed the door shut.
They all lay on the floor panting until Wilson got up and
dusted himself down.
 Brother Julius? Have you got the daggers?
 All present and sharp! Brother Julius shot up producing a
belt containing all seven of the daggers.
Within seconds Wilson had overcome a ticket inspector, taken
his uniform, dyed his hair red and fixed a false moustache to his
upper lip. He went towards the front of the train inspecting tickets
while the other three munched on pretzels and sipped cold lager in
the bar.
On his travels Wilson discovered that Satan had booked out
his very own carriage which contained his four poster bed, sofa
and desk. A waiter stood by at all times as did two heavies who
guarded the door. It was the carriage right at the back of the train
so that others didn t wander through. Wilson got to see inside but
the heavies refused him entry.
They left Denver station in darkness as Wilson joined the
other three who were playing poker in the bar.
 Detective Inspector Banks, he began.  Have you brought
any chloroform?
 Naturally, he slurred while producing a full house to the
others disdain.
Wilson, still disguised as a ticket inspector, approached the
heavies at the back carriage.
 What do you what? one of them barked.
 I wanted to check that the executive guest is satisfied with
his carriage?
 Yeah, he s over the moon now& 
Wilson kicked him in the midriff and used his doubled over
body to pen back the other against the side of the train. Quickly
pressing a chloroformed tissue over the mouth of the first, he made
him collapse. The other guy was throwing punches at Wilson who
managed to narrowly avoid each one.
 Stop right there! Banks appeared with a gun aimed at the
last standing heavy who slumped in defeat.
Wilson pressed another chloroform infused tissue to his
mouth so that he fell to the ground. The path now clear, he raced
into the carriage but it was deserted.
 Julius? Wilson cried.  Is he still here?
 There is still a signal coming from the carriage! replied
 Miaow miaow, the kitten came racing up to Wilson with
big  please stroke me eyes.
 I think Satan has done a runner, remarked Wilson as he
took up the kitten in his arms and stroked her.
 Good kitten, Wilson gently dropped the kitten to the ground
and pulled a ball of wool from his pocket.
Banks ran past him to see the back door which was wide
 He s either leapt out the back or gone onto the top!
 I see, Wilson handed the ball of wool to Benjamin.  Keep
this little darling entertained while I go above to kill Satan.
He went through the back door and climbed onto the roof of
the carriage where Detective Inspector Banks and Satan were
exchanging blows. Although Banks had a certain thuggish
aggression about him Satan had all the martial art moves which
meant that he defeated his foe and sent him to the deck with a few
kicks and chops. Wilson stepped over Banks ready for combat.
 Fuck that! Satan raced away, leaping between carriages as
he went.
 Are you okay? Wilson asked Banks whose face was covered
in blood.
 Just get that bastard, Banks handed over his automatic
 I wonder how they re getting on? wondered Julius as he
placed a saucer of milk in front of the kitten.  They totally forgot
to take the daggers so they had better bring him back here kicking
and screaming for me to push each one in him.
Leaping over each gap between carriages, Wilson ended up
on the same one as the goateed one but they were forced to duck
as the train went under a bridge. Wilson crawled along as they
went, hoping to gain on the anti-Christ. By the time they d left the
bridge he had hold of his feet. Satan leapt up as did Wilson so that
they were embroiled in a kung fu contest which involved back flips,
chops to the windpipe and levitating several feet in the air for long
periods. Satan failed to spot an oncoming tree branch and was
knocked down as Wilson ducked before putting him in a headlock.
 Have you no honour? gasped Satan.
 What do you mean? Wilson tightened his hold.
 Surely this should be resolved in a duel?
Wilson and Satan stood at opposite ends on the carriage roof
with their guns in their holsters. They both twitched nervously with
their hands hovering near their weapons. The train continued along,
rattling along the tracks as they both held their nerve and faced
one another. Wilson went for it, his gun out first and pulling the
trigger just as his opponent went for his. Satan was too late as a
bullet grazed his arm and he fell to the floor. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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