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shook, and for several long minutes she and her father stared one another down. Then the King s
expression turned thoughtful.
Very well. Since you keep insisting that all of this was your fault, Shasta, I m going to give you a choice.
Either Lyris and Bria get the strokes, or you may opt to take them yourself.
Shasta sank back down into the chair. Myself?
Her father s expression was triumphant. He was usually so protective of her fragile health, and Shasta
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was certain he would not have made the challenge if he thought she would actually accept it. She had
never been beaten in her life. It was an idea too foreign and terrible to comprehend. Uncertainly, she
looked over at Talon. Though she was still furious with her guardian for deceiving her, the desperation in
Talon s face was more than she could stand. She had the power to prevent this injustice, power her
father clearly did not expect her to exercise.
She tightened her lips determinedly. I ll do it. The words came out a little more tremulously than she
would have liked, but she did not back down now that they were out of her mouth.
Talon s head snapped up, and both her father and her guardian stared with their mouths hanging open.
Highness, no, Talon began, but Soltran held up a hand, regarding his daughter with incredulity.
You re not serious.
Shasta gritted her teeth. Oh yes, I am. You said I could take them, Father, and I m going to. For a
long moment she stared defiantly, daring her father to go back on his word.
Soltran s eyes narrowed angrily, and he threw his hands up in the air. I ve had enough of this, Shasta.
I m not playing these ridiculous power games with you. You want the beating, it s yours. He stood.
Talon, you will escort the Princess to the west conservatory for her punishment.
Shasta jumped from her seat and marched to the door. As she entered the corridor, she heard Soltran
speak again. And, Talon& tell Nurse she is not to spare her arm.
Shasta flinched but did not turn back around. Her fists shook at her sides as she stalked toward the
tower stairs that led to the west wing of the palace. Stubbornly she forced one foot in front of the other,
ignoring the little voice in the back of her head begging her to run the other way. Forty strokes. The most
she d ever seen Lainen receive was twenty, and that had been enough to reduce the good-natured boy to
screams toward the end. Was she insane?Father is the crazy one, her mind insisted hotly.Holding Lyris
and Bria hostage over Talon like inconsequential pawns. He s no better than any of the provincial
viceroys, using people for his own ends without any thought for their feelings or welfare. That thought
made her even angrier.He thinks I m too much of a coward to go through with it. I ll show him.
She held on to the anger that suddenly filled her, because it was dulling her terror. Still, when they
reached the doors of the conservatory, she faltered.
Princess. Talon spoke for the first time, her deep voice close to Shasta s ear and full of anxiety. You
can t do this. It could kill you. Remember the woman in the market? You re not strong enough for this.
Oddly, those very words strengthened Shasta s resolve. She turned on her guardian fiercely. Would
you rather see Lyris and Bria beaten for something they didn t do?
Talon winced. Of course not, but&
I have to do this, Talon. Don t worry, I m too valuable to Ithyria. The Goddess won t let me die.
Shasta pushed the doors open in time to see Nurse rolling up her sleeves. Lyris and Bria stood to one
side. Shasta had not seen such fear on their faces since they d first come to live at the palace.
Nurse, stop. The old woman turned to look at her, and Shasta stubbornly quelled a wave of fright that
was nearly nauseating in its intensity. Father has given new orders. I have chosen to take the strokes
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myself. All of them. And Father commands you not to spare your arm.
The old woman s brows disappeared into her hairline. Is that so?
Lyris ran forward, taking Shasta s hands in her own. No, Highness, it s all right. We she looked
back at her sister we ve had whippings before. You don t know what it is you re asking for. Besides,
this way the strokes will be split up between the two of us. It won t be that bad. Please, let us do this for
Shasta s eyes filled with tears at this selfless generosity, but before she could answer Talon interrupted.
No, Princess, let me do it. I m stronger, I can
You re wounded, Shasta snapped firmly. And this is not your decision. I m through letting other
people suffer for my foolishness. She squeezed Lyris s hand before releasing it, and marched to the
center of the room where the curved whipping chair was waiting.
Again she felt the urge to run as she stared down at the strange wooden contraption, remembering all the
times she d witnessed Lainen at the mercy of this very chair. She knelt in front of it and leaned forward
slowly, gripping the sides so hard her knuckles whitened.
She heard Nurse clear her throat hesitantly. Your Highness, I really don t think
Shasta twisted to look at her. You can t tell me you haven t wished, at least once or twice, that you
could get me in this chair instead of the whipping boy. Now s your chance, and you may never get
another. You re going to punish me properly, or I will see to it that you re assigned to kitchen staff for a
moon, understand? She knew that would rouse the old woman s temper and was not disappointed.
Very well. Nurse threw her shoulders back resolutely. Princess Shasta Talia Soltranis of Rane, you
have disobeyed the orders of your King and put the sole heir to the Ithyrian throne in undue danger. The
punishment has been set at forty strokes of the strap. Are you ready?
Shasta squeezed her eyes shut. You may begin. The brave words were undermined considerably
when they came out as barely more than a squeak.
The leather strap sang through the air, and when it finally connected Shasta gave a cry of pain. She d
known it would hurt but hadn t imagined how much. Her entire body jerked, and she tightened her grip
on the sides of the chair.
Another strike, more painful than the first, and she could not suppress a second gasping cry. She was
wearing a simple breakfast gown with only a shift beneath, as the morning had been hot. Still, it was one
layer more than Lainen wore when he suffered these beatings, and Shasta still couldn t imagine how he
ever withstood the pain. Two.
At the Princess s first cry of pain Talon stepped forward, determined to put a stop to this insanity. But
Lyris lay a hand on her arm. No, Talon. You must let her do this. It s important.
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Talon pulled away. I can t just stand here and
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