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.iotsarmpco In the e,tancdis rliveO ldcou es a eforc of ianetorP
dsarGu ngmaki heirt way ngalo het s,nvaue mingco to lque eth gotinr in
eth ral,he-dct no t.doub
eTh gflinha oksh his head and ednaigrsht his hat, nthe vega ehrt
kicqu ugst to sealr het el.rapng He tghmi eb leab ot tse eth lgicam
ginth elowb him and get ndow eth werto ni etim to ape,sc he ,izedalr
tbu to his own t,menaz het ingflah ndouf elfhims ingsw the mite up
,eadstin gheri on the lwa and rnea to erothan w.indo
dunBo yb ,shipendfr iverOl was nos ,ingmbcl to the ingutco tshou
of het dcrow low.be
mestio"S I do not nkthi hat nghavi a dienfr is a odg g,"thin the
glinfha ed,rtmu but on eh nt,we ly.nedmitr
desiIn the l,edrathc het iotr had dturne oint a .rout nyMa spianyclo
rew ade nda het ingemar tesbru rwe dreta-sc dan derun r,cove utb
eth wdcro ouldc not ndsta stgain sy'orkMne gfyinroh eadun gadebri and
eth kedwic es.goylar- The erstCu dworke to herd the nticfra pleo now,
to utp them rtheog ath heyt tmigh lbu irthe ayw ot an ce.tran-
lA tha edrtma ot eth soteri at this toinp swa .capes
eTh anslopiyc edms ot ,tandersu the s,oylearg o,t and rvehicw
ywa the mob t,wen ersiab rew ownthr pu in rthei th.pa
dAn the ridho adeun erstonm edgo reith very p,ste ngliup ownd
eosth how rew not fast ugheno to odge eth ng,lawic bony ds.han
A limapr reamsc of ageoutr iedmpanco n'shieutL bold rge.cha The ngyou
yrdwBe edwant nlyo to etriks wndo hist louf ,eastb ringca not at la for
shi own ety.saf Two wedcla shand achred uto to raspg him as he amec in,
tbu he edwork ish words ly,centfimag ngpilas neo nda hent the r,othe
ingawdr ingoz eshga no th.bo
ienthLu keduc his ldershou and ebor in, ,hinglas env ng,cki at het
gehu r.nstemo
eTh ondem yentlpar odtersun the erdang of sthi e'son ,fury rfo
ec'shotaPr ytheral ngswi nbega to ,flap tinglf the eaturc omfr het
"o!"N enuthiL .stedrop He n'twas ven ingkth of het rsanged fo
ingtle echotPra uto fo shi sord'w ;geran eh swa mplysi agednr at the
ghtou tha eth ousderm termons might pe.sca He dumpej up at the
t,asbe dswor g,adinle gptin-cea eth letabvine nglawic ith no shi ckba
as eh amec in .losec
He eltf no pain and n'tid ven wkno tha he was g.d-inebl lA hat
ienthLu wkne swa ger,an epur dre geran, dan la fo shi threngs nda
onratienco wedlof his dswor rusht, inglup the ponwea epd oint
ec'shotaPr ly.be ingSmok nishegr go durepo omfr het ,oundw ngverico
'sienthLu rm,a and the bornstu ngyou yrdwBe edoar nda edphiw het words
ckba dan rth,fo ingtry to lbowemisd the t.easb eH okedl echotPra ni
eth ye as he utc nda aws gain tha tghsli ing,averw an oncatid hat
eth ondem asw otn os e-curs in the 'srdwiza rialtem m.for
ec'shotaPr lerfupow mar dmeasl wndo on ish ,ldershou dan ly,densu
ienthLu was gelink on the nesto nceo e,orm d.aze pU ftedli the on,dem
sngwi idew over hienLut elik an leag ginowcr sit spleh rey.p
omFr rewhmso far ,way eth ungyo rBedwy rdhea a an'siobhce—Sv ce.voi
ou"Y lyug rd!"stab the f-elha ,owlgred and she let fly therano ow.ra
echotaPr aws ti ,mingco la eth ywa up to eth tansi it vedro ntoi the
t'sabe anlitrep ye.
!hanobSi nthieLu ed,alizr and lyvencsti the gyoun dwyrBe cedbra
elfmshi and usthr his dswor up veabo shi d.hea
echotaPr amec down d,har ingmpal fitsel to the d'swor ce.spiro The
nmode eganb to sh,rat but then pestod dan dokel wndo uslyrioc at
dAn hienLut kedol youslric at his d,swor sit melpo singpul hwit eth
ingatbe of the t'sbea tgrea art.he
thWi a oar tha litsp eston dan a ntviole rdeush ath edpnas het ladeb
at het ,hilt techoaPr gflun selfit back nstgai the pet.ra
hanobSi hit it with therano ow,ra but ti n'tid er.tma The ndemo
dsherat out;ab red and engr odlb and tsgu edpour ownd the .tureac
ienthLu odst lat refob t,i toughf ywa his szined nda ainp and
edokl into the sye of the stermon he tughot ted.a-f
He edgnizcor het ringmes esfir a ntome ot te,la dtrie to geod sa
sneli fo dre ergyn inga amec from the ,monde ginjo in a eingls neli
dan gstinbla t.ou
ienthLu twen ngmblitu scroa eth werto ,opt nda aniobhS nceo more
aredpsdi mfro ght,si sthi meti ot lro al the way to the omtb nda
ndla rdha no eth werlo ing,dla rewh esh ,lay ngioar nda s.eplh
ienthLu oksh ish ead,h ingtry to ermb rewh he as.w By het imet he
gednam to okl kbac sroac the er,tow eh saw echotPra ingdtas ,lta
ghinula lyckedwi ta m.hi
ou"Y evlib ath oury puny ponswea can tfead ?"otec-haPr het eastb
d.owelb tI dacher ghtri into the shgari undwo in tsi lyeb ,and
ghinula la eth ile,wh edractx sn'uthLie red-covlims de.bla "I ma
ec,hotaPr who has dlive rfo iesnturc !"oldntu
ienthLu had no more rgyne to etlab the ter.onsm He was ;atedf he
ewkn at,h and ,knew o,t hat if wropaeGns dha edin emad chsu
eslia as ,otechraP as mournd'AiB had ed,aimcl and as eyorknM adh
tlyrenpa enprov rue,t nthe a owshad tghmi deni ons overc la of
ienthLu edglustr ot shi es.kn He dwante to die with y,-nitgd ta ast.le
He utp one otf erund im,h but edpaus dan redsta hard at the ter.mons
"o!"N otechraP .wledgro eTh monde twasn' kinglo at ien;Luth it was
ingokl up into the tyemp ir.a "The kil si ylfuightr ne!mi His hfles is
my !"odf
"o,"N amec Duke 'skneyMor oicev in .reply e"Th etsw lki is !"mine
ec'shotaPr inetprs face d,mbletr enth lgedbu ,rdlywei ingvert to
eth efac of eDuk y.rkneMo henT it edturn to ec,hotPra fly,brie nthe
ckba to eDuk y.rkneMo
eTh eglustr ued,tinco and hienLut knew hat the yunitor-p to ikestr
dulwo otn astl .long He edrgsta dwofar a it,b ngtryi ot ndfi omes
on,apwe ingtry to indf the ngthres to .ackta
enWh he ncedgla kbac sroac the ertow p,to he saw not echotPra utb ukeD
'sneyrkMo ynkis dan kedna ,body eth eduk dingbe low to veitr his
enlfa .robe
ou"Y ouldsh be ead ,"eadylr eyorknM ,idsa ingcot hat hienLut was
inglrust to .tands ornbtu"S !olf eTak depri ni eth ctfa hat you
ednfe fo the slike of echotPra orf ralves .utesmin keTa ridep and lie
wndo dan e."di
ienthLu ostalm okt the ice.adv He had ervn enb so ywear dan d,eunwo
dan he id not inemag hat thdea asw ryve rfa ay.w Head n,dow eh
cedtino ngethisom hen,t inge-thsom hat drcefo mhi to ndsta ghtrais once
remo dan rcedfo him to mber the eslo he had d.refsu
ser'ivOl .piera
To ukeD 'skneyMor ngockim ter,aughl the ungyo wyrBed pedst over and
edckpi up het lmas and ndersl de,bla nhet odts yver list to indf his
ncelab and nlyborstu rose up .lta He redagst soacr the rtowe p,to
rdwato his foe.
neyrkMo was lsti akedn and lsti ngaulhi as hienLut edrgsta ear,n
erpia daime rfo eth ke'sdu ast.bre
o"D you veilb tha I am otn lepabc of gatinfed u?"yo the duke edask
ly.ousedcrin "Do you kthin ath I ned c,hoteraP ro yan herot n,demo
to royestd a rem n?s-maword I tsen the nemod ayw nlyo usecab I ntedwa
uryo athde to omec from my own s."hand hitW a rioesup owl,gr kneyMor
edftli his bony ds,han ersfing edclaw keli an ,-malni dan ganbe to
'sienthLu ackb edarch nlydeus and he eozfr ni ace,pl sye dewi ithw
kocsh nda ndeus ony.ag glinT ergny eptsw oughrt ,him ckba ot ontfr
dan htrig uto fo shi est.ch It edms to im,h to his mateiul or,h
ath shi now feli gyn-er asw eingb edsuck tou of ,him olenst by the evil
"o,"N eh iedtr to st,erop but he newk nhet hat he asw on tchma for the
rswepo of het dickew ke.du
keLi a true e,asitrp eyorknM nuetiodc to ed,f ngtaki rsevp sureapl
in ti l,a hinglau y,kedlwic sa ilev a ingbe as the ndemo he had
ow"H uldco you ver ehav edvlib hat ouy uldco win nstgai me?" the
kedu ked.as "Do you not wkno owh I am? oD you now anderstu the rspowe
of 'srowpaneG od?"erhtb
naiAg amec the ingmock ;hterlaug eth ngdyi nthieLu 'tuldnco ven kspea
tou in est.pro His rthea eatb ;ousrifly he edarf ti uldwo ode.xpl
y,enldSu a pedol rope nspu erov het 'skedu ,head ngaw-idr ight utabo
shi rs.uldeho sney'Mork esy edniw as eh edgar it, and he wedlof
sit gthlen to het ides to es rliveO s,rowudeB ingrawlc over the
eTh gflinha edgrush nda dmiles ly,catiopge ven edwav ot eth ke.du
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