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perfectly with the gold glints in that glorious hair.  What is the jewel?
Tasi touched one fingertip to her forehead.  It s a kyrat.
 I ve been told that different roles mean different colours.
 What s the meaning of the kyrat? When she looked at him
uncomprehendingly, he said,  What  tis for?
 Looks? That twinkle was back in her eyes again.
He grinned.  It looks mighty fine on you.
 Nice of you to think so. Your brawny muscles look mighty fine on you.
 I think we have a mutual admiration society with just two members.
 We re the only ones who think my kyrat looks mighty fine? Tasi sighed.  I m
Thinking of how Torkra and Mikal had been casting her admiring glances,
Heddam grinned wider.  Trust me,  tis more than I.
 My ego is miraculously repaired.
 But you still haven t told me what the kyrat does.
Tasi shrugged.  It shows what role you do in the Aora lands.
 Anything else?
 Well, it doesn t perform tricks.
Ruefully, Heddam shook his head.  You re not going to tell me, are you?
 Whatever gave you that idea? Tasi rubbed her cheek with one hand.  Turn
about. I get to ask the questions now.
Heddam relaxed, crossing one booted ankle over the other as he stretched his
long legs out.  Go for it, little wench.
 Are you wed?
 Have some what do you call them? Wench? you re seeing?
She eyed him closely.  You are into wenches, though?
He burst out laughing.  Aye, I am. I love wenches.
 Ah, that explains the hero syndrome.
 Hero syndrome?
Leaning forward a little, she pointed at him.  You love women. When you find
one in distress, you have to help her.
Holding up his hands, he spread his fingers.  Guilty as charged.
 Hmmm. She rubbed her chin.  You have any children?
He nearly choked.  Stars, nay!
 You love so many wenches, you re bound to have a couple of mini Heddam s
running around.
 I ll have you know that no Daamen fathers children out of wedlock. He cast
her a stern look.  When we settle down with the wench of our heart, then we have
children. Until then, we ensure our sterility by taking a sterilizing potion.
 Really? She seemed both genuinely surprised and impressed.
 Aye, really. A child needs both mother and father in our society.
 So you men go around sleeping with any woman who ll have you. What about
your women?
 Our wenches are protected.
 I thought so! She laughed in delight.  Your women aren t allowed to sleep
around before they re wedded. I bet they re virgins when they wed!
  Twould be some wenches who would undoubtedly have slept with other men
before wedding. Heddam was getting a little flustered.  But if the men in their
household knew, the man who slept with their sister or daughter or niece would be
getting a visit.
Eyes dancing with delight, Tasi slapped her knee.  I knew it! I knew it! No
wonder you went all he-man on me! No wonder all of you just carried me off with
you when you saw trouble!
 Nothing wrong with protecting a wench, Heddam said staunchly.
 You re a society where the men sleep with wenches outside of their own
society, but expect their women to remain virgins until they wed! You re a male-
dominated society!
Heddam thought of the many Daamen wenches who ruled the households as
well as the markets on Daamen with iron fists.  Not quite. But we don t let our
wenches travel off Daamen without an escort.
 Of Daamen men.
 Aye. Or Reeka warriors. For their protection. The universe is a dangerous place
to be, even the Lawful Sector.
 But you can fly off and sleep around.
 Now, lass,  tisn t precisely what we set out to do 
 You have. You admitted it.
 What? He was astonished.  I didn t 
 You said you loved wenches. You said you use a sterility potion. Laying her
hands in her lap, Tasi smiled smugly.  Didn t you?
 Well, I... yes but... He was floundering again. The teasing little wench was
laughing in delight at him. Heddam eyed her narrowly.  Twas time to turn the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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