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fatigue. "Only a few more to go.**
"Can't you stop and rest? I mean, I know I've been
asleep half the time, but you haven't had a chance to so
much as dose your eyes."
Naitachal smiled wryly. "Thank you for your con-
cern, but the sooner I finish the lot, the happier I'll
He began murmuring incomprehensible spell-
words once more, and Kevin sighed, feeling a new
tingling travelling all through him, a soothing sort of
sensation, odd, but not at aD alarming... not at all...
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As the bardling relaxed, his eyes slid closed once
This time it was the total absence of strange sensa-
dons that woke him. Kevin straightened in his chair,
blinking in confusion at the faint gray light ofnot-quite
Morning! Powers, had the Dark Elf been working
through the whole night without a pause? He glanced
towards where Naitachal was slumped in his own chair,
eyes shut.
Wish I could just let hsm sleep; he's certainly earned it!
But they'd both agreed it wasn't such a good idea for
anyone to think they'd been conspiring together.
"Naitachal?" Kevin whispered, then repeated, a little
more forcefully: "Naitachal!"
The Dark Elf opened his eyes with a groan. "Yes. I'm
awake." He staggered up from the chair, straightening
carefully, adding with wry humor, "So weary I could
sleep on my feet like a horse, but awake,"
"You look terrible. I wish you didn't have to wear
yourself out like this."
"Ae-ye, no one ever said magic was easy. At least this
way the sorceress isn't going to be able to turn you into
her love slave."
Kevin assumed that was meant to be a joke.
Naitachal stretched every muscle, plainly trying to
force some energy back into himself, then ran his fingers
through his pale, tangled mane. "Remember, though,
that these are only faint copies of true protective spells
I've cast over you. Don't expect too much of them. I don't
dare put too blatantly powerful magics upon you. Car-
lotta would be sure to sense them. But what may be
lacking in force, I'm making up in volume." The weary
blue eyes suddenly darkened with worry," I hope.**
"I can do it," the bardling assured him, trying to
sound more certain than he felt.
"Again, I hope." Naitachal hit back a third yawn. "Ay
198 MercedesLufwy^JosephaSherman
me, I'd best get back to my own room before I fall over.
Or before the servants start wondering what's going
on. Till later, Kevin."
"Till later," the bardling echoed uneasily.
"What's wrong with Naitachal?" Lydia, who'd shed
her finery for more comfortable tunic and breeches,
whispered that to Kevin as they stood on a wide casde
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balcony pretending to be engrossed in an archery con-
test taking place in the courtyard below.
Kevin stole a wary glance back to where the Dark Elf
sat in as much concealing shadow as he could find up
here on this sunny morning. Naitachal's black cloak
was wrapped dghtly about his slender form, the hood
pulled forward to hide his face, making him look like a
truly sinister figure, a sliver of Darkness amid the Light
but Kevin suspected the Dark Elf was actually just
asleep with his eyes open.
"What do you think?" the bardling retorted softly.
He applauded politely as one of the archers down in
the courtyard below scored a near bull's-eye. "He was
up all night casting spells on me."
"Ah. Right Of course. Feel any different?"
"No, but "
"Oh, nice shot!" the woman called out She added so
softly only Kevin could hear, "Not a decent archer in
the lot. Huh, and look at die way Charina's eying you
from the doorway, like a cat watching a tasty little fish."
This fish has some surprises m store, Kevin thought, or at
least I hope I do.
The idea that the pretty young woman approaching
him might really be a murderous sorceress seemed
impossible on such a bright, sunny day. And yet... A
sudden nervous prickle racing up his spine, Kevin got
courteously to his feet to bow to Charina. Or whoever
she really was.
"My lady."
"My! So formal!" Charina's glance at Lydia was ever
so subtly edged with contempt as she took in the
woman's warrior garb. "What's this? I should think you
would be down there, too. Lady Lydia. Are you not an
To Kevin's ears, she made that occupation sound as
unsuitable for a lady as pig-farming. Lydia couldn't
have missed the snub, but she only laughed. "Oh, I
hardly thought it fair to compete. I mean, I'm not one
of the count's people."
"But surely you would like a chance to demonstrate
your skills." It was a very thinly veiled command.
Lydia only shrugged. "Nope! Much nicer just to sit
and watch. Besides, at such a short distance how could
I miss? Right, Kevin?"
Thank you, Lydia! he thought gratefully. The last
thing he wanted was to be left alone with Charina. "Uh,
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"Ah, but I think you really should go down there," a
suave voice purred. Kevin saw Lydia tense as Count
Volmar stepped forward to take her arm. "My dear
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