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do just this.
I never thought I deserved something this good still don t.
But I m no fool, there s no way in hell I m letting Izzy go.
Whiskey sour? Izzy offers a restrained smile as I pass her the drink and drop down next to her
on the bench swing. I ve got a pretty decent view of the Hollow Brook skyline from the balcony, and
there s usually a fireworks show at the park down the street, so I m betting we ll have front row
I cut it with a little Sprite. I hold up my own glass. Bottoms up?
I think I ll nurse mine.
I pull her over to me, and we sit and watch the night sky as the sound of fireworks go off in the
distance every now and again.
Izzy spins into me with her drink cradled against my chest. So how are we going to do this?
She whispers out of breath as if she were anxious for the answer. And I wish I had one to give her.
I think we re doing it. One day at a time.
Baby steps, we say in unison.
Jinx. I lean down and steal a kiss off her lips.
Izzy moans with approval and tugs at my lips with hers. She pulls back and touches the whisky
to her mouth. It s good. I approve.
I m glad.
You ll never guess what bomb my mother decided to drop on me this morning.
I m not the explosive in question am I? Let the record show I ve always had a healthy fear of
Bobbie Sawyer.
She gives a little laugh, and her hair spills over my chest like a dark scarf.
No, it has everything to do with the studio. She wants to sell it. Her features melt with grief. I
know for a fact that studio is like a second home to Izzy, sort of the way the bar is mine.
Sounds like we have a lot more in common than we thought. I tell her all about the talk my
father had a few weeks back. I think I m going to take the place over myself. I just need to figure out
a way to buy out my parents. I pinch my eyes shut a moment. It s going to be a bitch, but I know I
can do it.
Holt. She pulls back with a laugh caught in her throat. I think that s fantastic. Do you think I d
be able to pull off something like that?
I don t see why not. Heck, maybe your mother would go easy on you and let you take over
payments. With my father remarrying a gold digger, who wants to turn those vodka bottles into shoes,
it s a little more complicated. But I know you, Iz, you ve been running that place on your own since as
far back as I can remember. You ve got this. Are you sure it s something you want?
Want? She shakes her head and takes another sip. It s something I need. I can t imagine my
future without the studio in it. It s been the anchor in my life for as long as I can remember. That s my
baby. She settles those blazing eyes over me and brushes her fingers across the stubble on my
cheeks. You re perfect, you know that? Izzy stills. Her breathing all but stops. What do you think
people will say about us?
Who the hell cares what they say. But, if I had to guess, I m betting they ll say we re damn
lucky. That s all anyone should ever say about us. I sink a kiss over her lips again, and her tongue
meets up with mine. The fireworks start up, and we miss the first ten minutes.
Izzy rests her head on my chest as we catch the grand finale. So many brilliant sparks lighting up
the night and then they re gone in seconds, nothing but a memory. I can t help but wonder if that s
what will happen to us. I started a chain of heartbreak years ago, and I ve always thought it should
end with me. But I ll fight to keep that from happening to the two of us. She s the first and only girl I d
fight all of hell to keep safe from the curse I ve brought on my family.
What are you thinking? Her voice rises, soft as smoke.
I d fight for you, Izzy. We re right and nobody can tell us otherwise.
She looks up as her eyes shine into mine.
I don t think we should finish the whiskey, Holt.
Why s that? A smile tugs on my lips, but I won t give it.
Because I want us to be sober for what happens next. I ve waited far too long for this moment,
and I want to remember it. I want you to remember it. I want us to be present with body, heart, and
soul for the things we re about to share.
My balls pulsate like a bomb.
And what things are those? My lids grow heavy with lust. It s taking all of my strength not to
pin her to the floor and make love to her right here under the stars both real and manufactured.
The thing I m glad I saved most me. She picks up the whiskey sour. One last sip a gift
from me to you. She takes a final hit before setting the glass down. Her lips find mine, and I pull the
liquor right out of her mouth. Her hands wander up my shirt as the taste of whiskey permeates our
kisses. I ll never be able to look at a bottle again without thinking of Izzy.
That was one hell of a show, she whispers, tracking kisses all the way to my ear. You think
you can top that?
A gentle laugh rolls through me. Oh, sweetie, I know I can.
I dig my fingers into her hips as our mouths get lost in one another again.
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