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The Signs of long ascention continue two hours and more in the Ascendant: and Signs of short
ascentions, doe arise in little more then an houre, and some in lesse, as you may experiment by
the table of Houses:
I would like to know how many houres Sign continues in Ascendant Horizon?
In the first column of the Table of Houses, I look for the Sign Leo, under the title of the first
House, and in the fourth line, I finde S Leo 21, viz, no degree, 21 min. of Leo.
Over against that number on the left hand, under the title of houses and min. or time from noon, I
finde 00. 18 min. or no houres, 18 min. I then continue with my sign Leo in the same column
until I find 29.40. by which I perceive that the sign Leo is removed out of the Ascendant; I seek
under the title of houres and minutes from noon over against the said 29.40 of Leo: on the left
hand, what houres and min. stand there. I find the number of 3.h. 6.m. I subtract my former
number of 00. 18 min. from 3 hours and 6 min.
3.h. 6.m.
00 18
2 48. there remaines two houres and 48 min. of an houre, which is all the space of
time that Leo continues in the Ascendant, and in this regard it is called a sign of long ascentions.
You shall see the difference now in a sign of short Ascentions.
An Introduction to Astrologie.
I would know how long the sign of Aquarius continues in the Ascendant. See in the ninth
column, and under the title of the first house: in the third line I finde 00 aquarius 57, viz. 0
degree, 57 min. of aquarius, over against it under houres and min. I find 16, 4 min. in the tenth
line under the first house I find 29.28. against it on the left hand 17.8 viz. 17 houres, 8 min. I
subtract my former houres and min. from the latter
17 8
16 4
1 4.
the difference is one houre and 4 min. and so long time the sign of Aquarius rests in the
Ascendant: without exact knowledge hereof, one cannot attain to any exactnesse in naturall
Magick, viz. in gathering Hearbs, or perfecting many other rarities.
That which is most necessary for every Student in the Art is, that he know and be expert in the
following Chapter.
The Nature, Description, and Diseases signified
by the twelve signs.
[QUALITY.] Aries is a Masculine, Diurnall Sign, moveable, Cardinall, Equinoctiall; in nature
fiery, hot and dry, cholerick, bestial, luxurious, intemperate and violent: the diurnall house of
Mars of the Fiery Triplicity, and of the East.
[DISEASES. ] All Pushes, Whelks, Pimples in the Face, small Pocks, hare Lips, Polypus, (noli
me tangere) Ring-worms, Fallingsicknesse, Apoplexies, Megrims, Tooth-ach, Head-ach and
[PLACES ARIES SIGNIFIETH.] Where Sheep and small Cattle doe feed or use to be, sandy and
hilly Grounds, a place of refuge for Theeves, ( as some unfrequented place;) in Houses, the
Covering, Seeling or Plaisting of it, a Stable of small Beasts, Lands newly taken in, or newly
plowed, or where Bricks have been burned or Lyme.
[DESCRIPTION.] A dry Body, not exceeding in height, lean or spare, but lusty Bones, and the
party in his Limmes strong; the
An Introduction to Astrologie.
Visage long; black Eye-browes, a long Neck, thick Shoulders, the Complexion dusky brown or
[KINGDOMS SUBJECT TO ARIES.] Germany, Swevia, Polonia, Burgundy, France, England,
Denmark, Silesia the higher, Judea, Syria.
[CITIES.] Florence, Capua, Napels, Ferrara, Verona, Utrecht, Marselles, Augustia, Casarea,
Padna, Bergamo.
[QUALITIES OF THE SIGN TAURUS.] Taurus is an Earthly, Cold, Dry, Melancholy,
Feminine, Nocturnal, Fixed, Domestical or Beastial Sign, of the Earthly Triplicity, and South, the
Night-house of Venus.
[DISEASES.] The Kings Evil, sore Throats, Wens, Fluxes of Rheumes falling into the Throat,
Quinzies, It apostumes in those part.
[PLACES.] Stables where Horses are, low Houses, Houses where the implements of Cattle are
laid up, Patures or Feeding grounds where no Houses are fleer, plain grounds, or where Bushes
have bin latley grub d up, and Wherein Wheat and Corn is sowed, some little Tree not far off, in
Houses, Sellars, low Rooms.
[SHAPE AND DESCRIPTION.] It presents one of a short, but of a full, strong and wel set
stature, a broad Forehead, great Eyes, big Face; large, strong Shoulders; great mouth, and thick
Lips; grosse Hands; black rugged Hair.
[KINGDOMS SUBJECT TO.] Polonma the great, North part of Sweathland, Rissia, Ireland,
Switzerland, Lorrain, Campania, Persia, Cypress, Parthia.
[CITIES.] Novmgrade, Parma, Bolonia, Panormus, Mantita, Sena, Brixia, Carolstad, Nants,
Liepsig, Herbipolis.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF GEMINI.] Gemini, it s an aerial, hot, moyst, sanguine,
Diurnal, common or dounle bodied human Sign; the diurnall house of Mercury of the aery
triplicity, Western, Mascu1ine.
[DISEASES.] He signifies all Diseases or infirmities in the Armes, Shoulders, Hands, corrupted
Blood, Windinesse in the Veines, distempered Fancies.
[PLACES.] Wainscot Roomes, Plaistering, and Wals of Houses, the Halls, or where Play is used,
Hils and Mountaines, Barnes, Storehouses for Corn, Coffers, Chests, High Places.
[KINGDOMS.] Lumbardy, Brabant, Flanders, the West and Southwest of England, Armienia.
[CITIES.] London, Lovaine, Bruges, Norrimberg, Corduba, Hasford, Mentz, Bamberg, Cesena.
[DESCRIPTION.] An upright, tall, straight Body: either in Man or Woman the Complexion
sanguine, not cleer, but obscure and
An Introduction to Astrologie.
dark, long Arms, but many times the Hands and Feet short and very fleshy; a dark Hair, almost
Black; a strong, active Body, a good piercing hazel Eye, and wanton, and of perfect sight, of
excellent understanding, and judicious in worldly affairs.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF CANCER.] Cancer is the onely house of the Moon, and is the
first Sign of the Watry or Northern Triplicity, is Watry, Cold, Moyst, Flegmatick, Feminine,
Nocturnal, Moveable, a Solstice Sign mute and slow of Voyce, Fruitful, Northern.
[DISEASES.] It signifies Imperfections all over, or in the Brest, Stomack and Paps, weak
Digestion, cold Stomack, Ptisick, salt Flegms, roten Coughs, dropsicall Humours,
Impostumations in the Stomack, Cancers which ever are in the Brest.
[PLACES.] The Sea, great Rivers, Navigable Waters; but in the Inland Countries it notes places
neer Rivers, Brooks, Springs, Wels, Sellars in Houses, Wash-houses, Marsh grounds, Ditches
with Rushes, Sedges, Sea banks, Trenches, Cisternes.
[SHAPE AND DESCRIPTION.] Generally a low and small stature, the upper parts of more
bigness then the lower, a round Visage; sickly pale, a whitely Complexion, the Hair a sad brown,
little Eyes, prone to have many Children, if a Woman.
[KINGDOMS, COUNTRIES & CITIES.] Scotland, Zealand, Holland, Prusi a, Tunis, Algier,
Constantinople, Venice, Millan, Genoa, Amsterdam, Yorke, Magdeberg, Wittenberg, Saint
Lucas, Cadiz.
[QUALITY AND PROPERTY OF LEO.] Leo is the onely house of the Sun, by nature, Fiery, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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