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gods grind slowly, they grind exceeding fine." The finer forces lose none
of their intensity by lying latent in Nature's lock-box of events.
Now let us see how the planets worked in the horoscope we have just
given. In the year 1915 we find the progressed Sun, the life-giver, had
reached the conjunction of the Midheaven, Gemini 5-0. The New Moon on May
2, 1916 fell in Taurus 11-44, square to the radical Mars; on the 31st of May
the second New Moon was in Gemini 9-40 in conjunction with the radical Sat-
urn in the M.C., which latter had been obstructing the capillaries of the
lungs; thus hemorrhages resulted. At this time the young man, who had be-
come a very efficient astrologer, began to realize that he was entering a
critical period and did all possible to overcome its influence. But a suc-
cession of lunations during the year 1916 afflicted his Midheaven and Saturn
by square and opposition in the sign ruling the lungs, Gemini, made a con-
stant struggle necessary. With the negative sign of Virgo on the Ascendant,
with Uranus in the First House square to Venus in Gemini, and with Jupiter
afflicted by a square of the Moon, both the venous and arterial circulations
were restricted, preventing deep breathing and complete oxygenation of the
blood in the lungs.
In the Spring of 1918 this young man, after consulting his own horoscope,
unfortunately made up his mind that he would pass out on a certain day, and
made all necessary arrangements for his funeral. This state of mind was
very dangerous to one in his weakened condition and to one with his negative
Ascendant. He precipitated the crisis even before its normal time, as we
will show.
We will now proceed to find what brought about the crises that terminated
the life on June 1, 1918. We first find where the progressed planets were
at that time. We take the date May 28, 1884 for the places of the pro-
gressed planets on the Adjusted Calculation Date, Dec. 19, 1917. We now
progress the Sun and Moon 5 1-2 months beyond this date to June 1, 1918. If
we subtract the Moon's longitude on a given day from its place on the fol-
lowing day, the difference is its motion during the 24 hours intervening,
which corresponds to a year of life in progression. Division of this by 12
gives us the rate of its monthly travel.
Moon's place on A.C.D. Dec. 19, 1917,
(May 28 in ephemeris for 1884)...Cancer 27.11
Moon's place on A.C.D. Dec. 19, 1918,
(May 29 in ephemeris for 1884)...Leo 11.14
Moon's travel by progression from Dec. 19, 1917 to
Dec. 19, 1918 ............................ 14.03
Dividing 14 degrees 3 minutes by 12 gives the Moon's monthly travel as 1
degree 10 minutes. This we add to its place for each month as shown in the
following table:
Dec. 19, 1917 CANCER...27.11 Mar. 19, 1918 LEO...0.41
Jan. 19, 1918 CANCER...28.21 Apr. 19, 1918 LEO...1.51
Feb. 19, 1918 CANCER...29.31 May 19, 1918 LEO...3.01
As we see above, the progressed Moon was in Leo 3.01 on May 19, 1918, and
as it moves 1 degree 10 min. per month, in the 13 days to June 1st it would
travel 0 degrees 29 min., reaching Leo 3.30, and making a square to the
radical Sun.
On Dec. 19, 1917, the progressed Sun was in Gemini 7.29. We count for-
ward from Dec. 19th to June 1, 1918, 5 1-2 months, and as the Sun moves 58
minutes per year, making 5 minutes per month, in 5 1-2 months the progressed
Sun would arrive at Gemini 7.56, conjunction to Saturn.
The New Moon on May 10, 1918 fell in Taurus 19.00, conjunction to the
radical Neptune. This was the day the young man had chosen as the day of
his death, but the crisis was not reached until the transiting Sun reached
the conjunction of Saturn in Gemini 8.33, the night of May 30th. At the
same time Saturn was transiting conjunction to radical Mars and square to
radical Sun, depleting the vitality, and the transiting Moon and Neptune
were square to the radical Sun. All this was too much for him to endure in
his weakened condition and he began to sink. June 1st when the transiting
Moon reached the square to Saturn and the Midheaven, and the opposition to
the Ascendant, he passed into the great beyond.
Thus we see that we cannot base judgment upon merely one affliction. We
must look to the progressed planets, the strong transiting planets, and par-
ticularly to the New Moon to excite a natal affliction.
Besides the progression of planets which we trust has been sufficiently
elucidated, we must also note a similar forward movement of the houses, but
these must be calculated by the same method as when casting a natal figure,
save that we use the Sidereal Time for the day which corresponds to the year
for which we wish to progress the horoscope. In relation to the man's horo-
scope we have studied, the critical year was 1918, and May 28 in the ephem-
eris for 1884 corresponds. We bear in mind that birth occurred at 2:00
P.M., True Local Time, in Lat. 42 N., Long. 95 W., for these factors are
used in placing the degrees on the houses just as in the natal chart; the
only change is using the S.T. of the progressed birth day.
S.T. at noon previous to progressed birthday, 1918 H. M. S.
(see ephemeris for 1884, May 28)......................4 25 0
Correction of 10 seconds for each 15 deg.
birthplace is West of Greenwich.......................0 1 3
Interval from previous noon to birth..................2 0 0
Correction of 10 secs. per hr. of interval............0 0 20
---- ---- ----
Sidereal Time of progressed birth.....................6 26 23
With this S.T. we turn to the Tables of Houses for the Latitude of birth
place, and erect a horoscope with twelve Houses in the usual manner; we may
further insert the planets' places on the A.C.D. for 1918, then we shall
have a complete separate horoscope for the year, which we may compare with
the natal chart. Some Astrologers use that method, but we advise another,
which we think facilitates comparison and judgment of aspects between the
natal and progressed position of the planets in a degree unattainable by any
other system; it is illustrated in the various figures used in this book.
We write the natal chart in ink, as that is unchanged during life; we
also draw a large circle outside it, to contain the progressed position of
the planets. These and the houses we write in their proper places, but
lightly, and with pencil, so that they may be easily erased and the horo-
scope erected for another year without the necessity of rewriting the natal
But no matter how placed, two full horoscopes with 24 houses, 18 planets,
a couple of dragons' heads, each with its respective "tail," and two Parts
of Fortune, make quite a maze, and if the full galaxy of aspects, including
biquintiles, sesquiquadrates and other highsounding nonsensicals are to be
figured out the astrologer will surely so lose himself in the mathematical
labyrinth that he will be unable to read a syllable of the message of the
stars. During the first year of his astrological study, one of the writers
being originally of a mathematical turn, had the habit of constructing fig-
ures, and tables of aspects, so fearfully and wonderfully made that they
beat the proverbial "Chinese puzzle;" they were veritable "Gordian Knots,"
and the destiny of a human being was so tangled in each, that neither the
writer who had concocted the abomination, nor anyone else could ever hope to
disentangle the poor soul involved. May he be forgiven; he has mended his
ways, and is now just as zealous to eliminate all non-essentials from the
horoscope, but having been enmeshed in the maze of mathematics, his experi-
ence should serve as a warning. Our minds, at best, are but feeble instru-
ments to fathom fate and surely we shall have the greatest chance of success
by applying our science to the most important facts, and these are usually [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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