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Palmerstonhad to smile atGladstone 's tirade because the hatred was mutual.
The Queen had once referred to him as a half-mad firebrand. They were a
well-matched pair, both self-absorbed and opinionated. "Perhaps you are
right but still we must at least appear to consult her. We need more money.
While you do the sums, Admiral Sawyer here will make her privy to the naval
considerations involved."
The admiral had been invited to the Cabinet meeting to present the views of
the Royal Navy. More ships of course, more sailors to man them. The new
ironclads would prove to be invincible and would strike terror in the
Americans' hearts. Now the admiral nodded slowly in ponderous acknowledgement
of his responsibility, his large and fleshy nose bobbing up and down.
"It will be my pleasure to inform Her Majesty as to all matters naval, to
reassure her that the senior service is in good and able hands."
"Good then, we are of a mind. To the palace."
When they were ushered into the Presence atBuckinghamPalace the Queen was
sitting for a portrait, her ladies in waiting watching and commenting quietly
among themselves. When they enteredVictoria dismissed the painter, who exited
quickly, walking backwards and bowing as he went.
"This is being painted for our dearest Vicky, who is so lonely in thePrussian
Court ," she explained, speaking more to herself than to the others present.
"Little Willie is such a sickly baby, with that bad arm he is a constant
trial. She will be so happy to receive this." Her slight trace of a smile
vanished when she looked up at the three men. To be replaced by petulant,
pursed lips.
"We are not pleased at this interruption."
"Would it had been otherwise, ma'am," LordPalmerston said, executing the
faintest of bows. "Exigencies of war."
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"When we spoke last you assured me that all was well."
"And so it is. When the troops are mustered and ready inMexico , then the
fleet will sail. In the meantime the enemy has been bold enough to attack our
merchant fleet, peacefully at anchor in port, inMexico , causing considerable
"Merchant ships damaged? Where was our navy?"
"A cogent question, ma'am. As always your incisive mind cuts to the heart of
the matter. We have only a few ships of the line in the Pacific, mainly
because the enemy has none at all there. They do now so we must make careful
provision that the situation does not worsen."
"What are you saying? This is all most confusing."
Palmerstongave a quick nod and the admiral stepped forward.
"If I might explain, ma'am. Circumstances that have now been forced upon us
mean that we must now make provision for a much larger Pacific fleet. We have
not only received information that the Americans are increasing the expansion
of their navy, but are preparing coaling stations to enable them to attack us
in thePacific Ocean ."
"You are confusing Us. Coaling ships indeed what does this mean?"
"It means, ma'am, that the Americans have widened the field of battle.
Capital ships must be dispatched at once to counter this attack,"Gladstone
said, reluctantly stepping forward. "We must enlarge our fleet to meet this
challenge. And more ships mean more money. Which must be raised at once. There
are certain tax proposals that I must set before you..."
"Again!" she screeched, her face suddenly mottled and red. "I hear nothing
except this constant demand for more and more money. Where will it end?"
"When the enemy is defeated,"Palmerston said. "The people are behind you in
this, Majesty, they will follow where you lead, sacrifice where you say. With
victory will come reparations when the riches ofAmerica flow once again into
our coffers."
ButVictoria was not listening, lolling back in her chair with exhaustion. Her
ladies in waiting rushed to her side; the delegation backed silently out. The
new taxes would go through.
InMexico the battle was not going very well. General Ulysses S. Grant stood
before his tent as the regiments slowly moved by at first light. He chewed on
his cigar, only half aware that it had gone out. They were good men, veterans,
who would do what was required of them. Even here in this foul jungle. He was
already losing men to the fever, and knew that there would be more. This was
no place to fight a war or even a holding action like this one. Before he had
leftWashington ,Sherman had taken him aside and explained how important the
Mexican front was. The pressure of his attacks, combined with Pacific naval
action, would concentrate the British attention on this theater of war. Grant
still hated what he was doing. Feeding good soldiers into the meat grinder of
a war he was incapable of winning. He spat the sodden cigar out, lit a fresh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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