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even though she knew she was in love with him. She needed a little more
time, and he d gladly give her whatever she wanted. He d use that time
wisely and work on increasing that good impression he d made on her folks.
Being on their good side could only help his cause. He d get that phone
number from Jack tomorrow. A good craftsman would need time, too.
Kneeling in the center of the bed, he held her, unwilling to let her go
even for a moment. She tilted her head up to him, and he kissed her sweetly,
reverently. He nuzzled along her throat and kissed and licked her, sucking
on her earlobe. Wanting his hands free to roam over her warm silky body,
he laid her down on his pillow, fanning her long mahogany locks across it.
He kissed her blushing cheeks as his own hair fanned out around them,
Her Gentle Giant, Part 1: No Regrets 103
blocking out the cold white sterility of his bedroom. He pulled back the
covers, allowing her to shift onto the sheet with a little help. She removed
his robe as he did likewise with his towel and tossed it on a chair and
climbed under the covers with her. He settled his big body over her warm,
curvaceous form.
She smiled up at him, and her eyes fluttered closed with a contented-
sounding sigh. He pressed his body to her, smiling tenderly at her as she
looked up at him so trustingly. I love being like this with you. I feel safe
and protected. She paused, and her eyes grew shiny with unshed tears.
Eli? What if I hadn t given in to your persistence? What if I d convinced
you that I was too jealous and not worth the trouble? What if we missed this,
here, right now? How would I know to regret it every day of my life? This
moment with you is everything to me now that I know. I could have missed
it if I d kept running.
No regrets, right? My dad says, Live life with no regrets, nothing left
undone or unsaid, because you never know how long you have. He caught
a tear with his thumb as it slipped across her temple.
Thank you for understanding. I m sorry I m so emotional tonight.
You re in your heart, which is a good place to be. I feel the same way,
honey, he murmured, his voice shaking a little.
He slid his lips in a slow, brushing trail down her quivering torso. She
moaned softly as he lifted her hips gently to him and pressed his lips to her
soft abdomen, just inches above her mound. He lifted one of her thighs and
placed a gentle kiss on her silky inner thigh at her knee before working his
way down to her pussy. He pressed his lips at the dip between her inner
thigh and her outer labia, and his black hair streamed across her pussy. She
moaned softly in frustration as he skipped over the area where she evidently
wanted his mouth most and worked his way once again from the other inner
knee and slowly down her thigh.
You torture me, Eli. Please, I need your mouth on me. I need you so
much it hurts, she murmured in a shaky, husky voice filled with need.
He lifted her thigh so he could look into her eyes as he smiled down at
her, slowly placing one kiss after another in a damp, slow trail that led
straight to her pussy. She whimpered as he came closer and closer, flicking
with his tongue so she d know what else he would use on her. Her breaths
104 Heather Rainier
came in rasping pants, her chest rising and falling rapidly. He caressed her
abdomen, soothing her with gentle hands.
His hair slid over her abdomen, and he took a thick lock of it and gently
trailed it over her wet, open pussy lips. She tilted her head back on her
pillow, a whimper coming from her as he slid it up, ever so softly, over her
engorged clitoris, tickling her mound with the very ends before drawing the
lock over her lips once again. He could tell she was actively trying to hold
her orgasm off, trying to wait for him, swallowing convulsively, her
breathing now staccato panting.
Judging by her sounds, she needed his touch desperately, and as he
reached the base of her thigh, his tongue dragged over her wet pussy lips.
She was coated with her sweet juices, so ready to receive him and so hot for
him. She tried to keep her noises quiet, moaning softly and sighing his name
over and over again. He kissed her lips and slid his tongue into her opening
again and flicked up gently and slowly to her clit, feeling it the instant her
tension broke like a bowstring pulled too tight and finally released.
She sobbed as he laved her swollen clit then slid into her entrance again
and tasted the sweet cream that flowed from her powerful orgasm, licking
each drop from her lips. Eli slid his hand up her outer thighs and over her
hips and rib cage, soothing her as he was overcome by a feeling of utter
masculine possessiveness toward her. He felt pride in his ability to give her
such pleasure and loved to see her blushing and moaning beneath him in the
absolute height of ecstasy.
Her sobs quieted to soft moans, and he felt dazed by her response to
him. He looked into her dark blue eyes, and a profound peace filled him.
My angel. He closed his eyes, so overwhelmed was he by his emotions.
He kissed her inner thigh before settling himself in the cradle her body
formed for him, giving ease to him, innocent to the deep way she affected
Maybe tomorrow at the lake he could explain to her why he reacted to
her this way, the peace she brought to him. Maybe he could explain the
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