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that Amun s questions had been posed in a variety of languages. Well,
damn, looks like my translator s up to speed. She sipped at her water to
cover her smile. Her translation program had worked so smoothly, she
hadn t noticed.
Amun smiled.  So, you finally noticed that I was testing your translation
Luxi choked, just a little. Telepathy or a good guess?
Amun raised a brow and smiled.
Ah, telepathy. Luxi used her napkin to cover her smile. She opened her
mouth to make a comment and her inner scheduling alarm went off. Amun s
appointment was in ten minutes. She rose from her chair.  The negotiations
appointment! We re going to be late!
Amun set his glass down.  Ah, the ten minute warning.
Luxi nodded.
 Good. Amun rose from his chair and smiled. He turned to Leto.  Are we
Leto set down his fork and used his napkin hastily.  Yep. He tossed the
napkin onto his plate, stood up, and headed for the door.  Let s go.
After collecting Luxi s heavy cream court robe from where they had left it
on the bed, they left the guards standing by the suite door and strode deeper
into the suite s apartments. In a small side alcove was a lift door. Leto
pressed the call button on the side and leaned back against the alcove s wall.
Luxi blinked at the blank reflective door.  You have your own private
Amun patted her shoulder.  It is standard in diplomatic suites. For far
more secure arrival at conferences.
Amun and Luxi stood at the back of the lift, facing the door while Leto
applied a slide key to the menu panel on the door s right. He punched in a
destination, nodded, then leaned back against the right wall. He focused on
Luxi and his smile became decidedly lascivious.
Luxi s cheeks heated under Leto s stare. She scowled.  What?
 I was just thinking ... Leto folded his arms and lifted his knee to prop
one booted heel on the wall behind him.  About the panties you re not
The air exploded from Luxi s lungs.  Leto!
Amun covered his mouth, closed his eyes briefly, and inhaled deeply.
 Children, this is not the time to play.
Leto raised a brow and his smile broadened.  That never stopped you.
A small smile lifted Amun s lips.  That is entirely beside the point.
The lift door opened on a hallway painted a deep gold with autumn-red
carpeting. An energy grid crackled before the door at the far end.
Leto stepped out of the lift.
Luxi took a shuddering breath. Just beyond that grid were the crowned
heads of whole planetary systems. It was exciting. It was terrifying. Luxi
froze. What was she doing here?
Amun took Luxi s chilled hand and folded it over his arm.  Relax. You are
only required to sit still and be pleasant to anyone who addresses you. He
drew her from the lift with a small tug.
 Sit still, be pleasant. Okay. Luxi tugged her mouth into a smile.  Sounds
like every job I ve had.
Amun grinned.  The display may be rather pretty, but I assure you, you
will find the conference itself to be deadly dull in a matter of minutes.
Leto turned back to grin at her.  Do what I do -- stare out the big window.
He frowned and stopped, then turned to face them.  Amun, the jewelry?
Amun jerked to a halt.  Oh, yes. He reached into his pocket, and tugged
up his robes to kneel down on one knee.  Luxi, may I have your left foot?
Luxi blinked.  My foot?
Leto stepped closer and offered Luxi his hand.  You re putting it on her
Luxi took Leto s hand for balance and lifted her slippered foot.
Amun took her foot in his hand and enclosed a plain iridescent ring around
her ankle.  No need to announce her status.
Luxi s heart thumped in her chest. It was a binding ring, meant to control
the wearer by tapping into their internal robotics, their augmentations. They
were worn by indentured staff to keep track of their whereabouts and
actions. She looked up at Leto.
Leto peeled back his left sleeve to show her a similar ring. He smiled and
She frowned. He hadn t been wearing it earlier.
Amun released her foot.  There, that will take care of security s concerns.
Luxi felt a shiver in her mind and the hair lifted at the back of her neck.
The ring was tapping into her internal computational.
Amun stood.  It s only temporary. Security demands that all indentured
staff wear them during conferences. I ll take it off when we return to the
suite. He leaned close to her ear.  I know you re not an assassin. He
turned to smile at Leto.
Leto s smile soured.  Very funny. He turned and headed for the sizzling
grid. The grid snapped off to let him pass, then snapped right back on. He
turned around.  Come on, you two.
Luxi stopped before the grid and swallowed. That thing could kill her in
 Your clearance is already programmed. Amun pushed Luxi gently after
The grid snapped off.
Luxi lunged through the grid and plowed straight into Leto s arms.
Leto grinned down at her.  Scared?
Luxi stepped out of Leto s arms as her cheeks heated ferociously.  Who,
me? She stepped to the side. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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