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wearing the bikini while standing next to this girl s similarly dressed form. Her stomach clenched in
Her hand whipped out to grab the bikini back just as the girl held it out.  Here you go. Have a
great day.
Melina stared at the skimpy swatches of fabric, no longer sure the bottom half would cover all
that needed to be covered.  You know, I didn t know you had this in black. I think I should wait until
you get that in.
The girl frowned.  Oh. I m sorry, but the bathing suits aren t returnable.
 Sure. But I just bought it, Melina explained with a bright smile.  It s not like I went out and
wore it.
 How about I just exchange it then? She grabbed a black one-piece from the rack.  This ll do
for now. And look, it s on sale, right?
 Well, yeah, but 
 Then I ll take it. You can even keep the difference.
The girl looked nervously at the door that led outside.  I don t know. I guess I could talk to
Rod. Explain you changed your mind. Why don t I go out and 
 No! Melina yelled in a panic, causing the girl to jerk.  I mean, I don t want to be a bother. I
guess I ll take the white bikini after all. She stuffed the thing in her purse and headed for the door.
 Thanks, she called. Before she could change her mind, she rushed back to where Rhys and Rod
were still talking.
What had she been thinking? She d never worn a bikini in her life, let alone a white one. She
couldn t even wear white pants without it looking like her hips had expanded by several inches. The
one-piece would have been safer. But, she reminded herself, that would also have been so
predictable of her. Give yourself some props for bravery, she urged herself.
 Your store and restaurant are very nice, she said a bit breathlessly to Rod.  We ll definitely
have to come back sometime.
 I d like that. Rod beamed at them. Inside, Melina was aghast. Had she just implied that she
and Rhys would be back sometime in the future? Together? As in a regular couple? She opened her
mouth to correct her mistake, but Rhys put an arm around her shoulder and squeezed. Once more, his
expression radiated approval, which confused her even as it made her heart fill with joy.
 It was a pleasure meeting you, Melina. You take care of your man here, you hear?
Her gaze still on Rhys, she saw the flush stain his cheeks. The thought that he might be a little
thrown by what was happening between them calmed her nerves. Take care of Rhys? That was
exactly what she was here to do, wasn t it?
So what if she d never worn a white bikini? Who cared if she never wore the one she d just
bought? She could pretend she was the type of woman who would wear it, right? Doing just that, she
lowered her lids and tried to put her breathlessness to work.  Oh, I definitely will take care of him,
she murmured.
Both Rod and Rhys looked pole-axed, and an enticing ripple of power thrummed through her.
Suppressing a smile, she turned and walked back to the car, putting a little extra swing into her hips.
When she glanced back, Rhys s eyes were planted firmly on her behind.
Rhys had failed to tell her one thing about thumbing one s nose at the tried and true. It was as
much a turn on to the seducer as it was to the person being seduced.
She climbed into the car and patted her large purse. She d almost panicked back there, but
buying the stupid bikini had changed her. It was like a sexy little secret that only she knew about.
Even if all she did was act like the type of woman who could wear the thing, no one would be the
wiser. And it would be worth it to see that look on Rhys s face again, a combination of surprise and
approval, mixed in with a whole lot of desire.
When Rhys got back behind the wheel, he smiled.  Ready to go?
She placed her hand high on his thigh and squeezed.
He gasped, stared at her hand, and then looked up at her. She kept her eyes wide and innocent.
 I m ready for anything. The question is, are you?
With a deep breath and a slightly dazed expression, he started the car and pulled back on the
road. Melina leaned back in her seat and smiled. No one could ever accuse her of being anything
other than a fast learner.
Rhys was so aroused by the gentle pressure of Melina s hand on his thigh that he was afraid he
was going to pass out. As he pulled up to the property, however, his nerves somehow managed to
overshadow his lust.
He tried telling himself he was being ridiculous. He d never brought a woman here, true, but it
wasn t like he was trying to impress Melina with the house. There was nothing grand about it. It
wasn t even on the lake, although the water was just a few short minutes drive away. The house was
pre-manufactured, but it had been in such sorry shape that Rhys had had to rebuild about a third of it.
Given his touring schedule, he didn t have all that much time to devote to it, but when he did, he
worked with utter devotion. He loved puttering around this place. It was as much of a home base as
he d had since he was a kid. He just didn t get here nearly often enough. And while he sometimes
called on Max or Rod to help him out with a job or two, for the most part he enjoyed being by
Today, however, he d felt compelled to show it to Melina. Like it or not, he was nervous to see
what her reaction would be.
He needn t have worried.
 Oh Rhys, she breathed when she caught sight of the little house on an elevated lot at the end of
a dirt driveway.  It s wonderful. She got out of the car and turned slowly in a circle, taking in the
view of redwood trees and hills.  What a beautiful setting.
He could tell she loved it. The wonder on her face was genuine and closely mirrored the way
he d felt when he d first seen the land.  Thanks. I like it.
 How did you find it?
 Rod and I have been friends for awhile, ever since Max and I rented a houseboat on the lake
years ago. I mentioned that I wouldn t mind having some vacation property up here, and he gave me a
call when this lot became available.
She smiled, a broad carefree smile that made his breath catch.  Will you show me around?
He laughed.  There s not much to see, but sure, I ll give you the grand tour.
About thirty minutes later, he rubbed his palms together.  So let s go for a picnic by the lake.
Take a swim.
She frowned.  But what will I do for a swim suit?
A grin split his face. He d liked the underwear she d worn last night. He was hoping she had
another set on just like it.  I think we can come up with something.
She hesitated, then lifted her chin.  Okay. That would be nice. She moved toward the guest
bedroom, stopping when Rhys called out.
 We ll be sharing the bed in the master bedroom, Melina.
She blinked and blushed. Her eyes darted nervously to the open doorway, where his big bed
was clearly visible.  Oh. Sure. Changing course, she stepped into the master bedroom and shut the
Rhys quickly changed into a pair of shorts and an open button-down shirt. When the bedroom
door opened, Melina came out wearing baggy sweat shorts and an oversized tee. Although the
clothes did nothing for her figure, Rhys didn t sweat it. Even if he couldn t talk her out of her clothes,
water did wondrous things to a white tee. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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