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Gin s cock. Many an idea do you give me.
Gin froze, waited. S-such as?
Torin laughed as he summoned one of the former captain s silk scarves and draped it over
Gin s prick. You shall see.
Rune was surprised by the stiff angry line of his limon drop s back as they navigated
through the market s morning crowd. Once they had disembarked the boat she had released his
arm and walked off ahead of him, refusing to speak with him and he had tried several
unsuccessful times to take her hand in his, to pull her off to one side or another. Uncertain what
was wrong, he caught up with her, determined to figure out her sudden switch of mood she had
been most excited about going ashore just moments before.
Why are ye upset, woman?
She stopped and glared up at him, uncaring that they were in the middle of the market. Ye
ask me why?
Aye. He found it adorable that she had so easily adopted the guttural parlance of the
seafarer and had to keep from smiling.
She snorted and started once more walking. I understand not why ye ask or why ye follow
when tis obvious ye hold nae desire to go about with me I might ruin yer fun if ye do.
Rune blinked, surprised by her answer. He rushed after her, grabbed her arm and pulled her
off to the side. What is this foolishness? Why would I desire ye not with me this day?
Already did I say, ye rotten pirate. She jerked her arm from him and once more glared at
him. I might ruin yer fun.
He returned her glare. Ye would do nae such thing. What sort of foolishness is this?
Is that not what ye said upon the boat: That I ruined yer fun? Knew I did ye held nae true
desire to have me with ye.
He grabbed her and kissed her, deeply, not letting up until she returned it. Always have I
wanted ye with me. Now please explain.
Ye said I ruined yer fun.
Realization of what she meant dawned on him and he started laughing. Aye, ye did.
Nae laughing matter is this! She punched him on the arm.
Ahhh, limon drop, tis indeed a most humorous matter. He rubbed his arm, still chuckling.
Ye ceased my teasing of Gin when tis teasing he deserved. Too much of a tight ass is he
And he needs not to be teased in such a manner.
Aye, love, he does.
Not about sex. Tis easy enough to see he has issues when it comes to intimacy. Did ye not
witness the argument with Torin two mornings past?
Twas plain idiocy on Gin s part. When she went to leave again, Rune slipped his arms
around his treasure and pulled her tight against his chest. Mayhap he has issues, but tis the
pirate way to tease and poke. He would do the same. Twould hardly be fair not to return any
mockery he gives me.
He& She rested her forehead against Rune s chest, trying to gather her thoughts. This was
definitely a foolish argument. Rune had obviously not meant what she thought he meant. They
were no longer children and she needed not to react so swiftly, to be fearful about Rune s
affections. Had he not brought her with him to sea? Gin has issues, deep seated, intimacy issues
I know this despite what may appear on the outside and he needs Torin to aid him, not ye
teasing him.
And when will I be allowed to tease him? He tilted her head back and grinned down at
Tease him all ye like in regards to all other issues, just allow he and Torin peace in regards
to their relationship. Though, I am most certain, twill be soon enough that Gin s issues will nae
longer be. Indeed he seemed more confident since he changed his hair from blond to brown.
Very well. After kissing her once more, crushing her tight against him, wishing her to
truly know his desire although he thought after the hour he had had her below decks that morn
she should know well his desire for her he grasped her hand and motioned towards the milling
crowd. Now, would ye care for a quick look-see about the market? Methinks we have a bit of
time. Mayhap we will find a merchant who crafts marriage cuffs.
She stared at him uncomprehending for a moment, still lost from the kiss. Do ye marry me
then before we reach Ganos?
Once we have the cuffs in hand I will ask Ma to marry us. Or mayhap Gin. I would not
have this day end without us bound to one another.
I would like that as long as ye mind not my foolishness from time to time.
He laughed and starting pulling her back into the market crowd. Why would I mind such a
thing, limon drop? Certain I am there will be times that I am as equally foolish.
Such as telling me I ruin yer fun?
He looked over his shoulder, laughter still dancing on his face. Aye.
Lemon stumbled when Rune s face suddenly shifted, the laughter disappearing, his eyes
narrowing. What is& ?
I know not if I should yell at him, or feel pride that he is my son.
What mean ye?
Rune stopped, uncaring that they now blocked the flow of market goers. Jag has left the
boat despite knowing he is to be resting for a few hours more.
That little sneak! She spun around, searching the crowd for her son. Where is he so that I
might blister his ears?
But should we offer him lecture? I wish not to discourage such behavior; the son of a pirate
he is. Never will a pirate remain confined if there is opportunity to escape, even if he is still sore
from a rigorous fight. That, and is he not nineteen, almost a man grown?
Aye, he is. I just keep thinking that nearly did I lose him. Those bastards& Her nostrils
flared and she bit her bottom lip. Her hand flexed wishing to strike at the ones who thought to
harm her child.
I know. He wrapped his arms about her, held her close, his lips pressed near her temple.
So close did I come to not ever meeting him. I will enjoy most thoroughly running each cur
Once calm, Lemon looked up. Should we at least let him know we caught him?
Aye. Aye, we should. In need he is of sharpening his sneaking about skills. Taking her
hand, Rune pulled Lemon in the direction he saw his son travel. I wonder what he is about?
Do ye think he looks for a quick tumble?
Laughter erupted; he was unable to help it hearing his limon drop speak so. He spun around
and scooped her up into his arms, placed a loud kiss upon her lips. Ye do a seafarer proud.
A groan was heard, but suddenly cut off as if the sound had been unmeant. Rune and Lemon
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