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So was his copy of John Dee sNecronomicon, Clay said. According to the pages copied into the
file, it went missing in 1934, from Oxford. Shanahan just says he inherited it from his grandfather s
So, chances are, there is a file for the letter. Either he took it or he destroyed it. I looked around the
office. Does anyone see a shred
Here, Clay said, heaving to his feet and walking over to it. He took off the top. Recently emptied.
Damn. What about the recycling box? He could have put the pieces in there.
Or burned them in the fireplace, Jeremy said.
Clay nodded. Or stuffed them in the garbage.
Everyone can check out the place they suggested, I said.
Excellent idea, Jeremy said, and headed off to the fireplace as I grabbed the recycling box.
Clay looked over at me and at Jeremy s quickly retreating back, then stalked out, grumbling.
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we d confirmed that, it was late enough to hunt down the second portal escapee.
When we left Shanahan s house, I checked my voice mail and learned that Robert had called while we d
been inside. We called him back from the hands-free setup in the Explorer.
I believe I have some good news for you, Robert said.
You know how to close the portal, I said.
You were already on the right track and halfway there. To close a dimensional portal involving human
sacrifice, all you need to do is return the sacrificed souls to the other side.
In other words, kill the zombies.
Precisely. Better yet, you aren t even doing them a disservice. Instead of returning to that dimensional
portal, they ll go to their normal afterlife.
That one we dispatched earlier today might not be so happy about that, considering he seemed pretty
handy with that knife of his. He probably didn t much like where he ended up.
A light laugh. True enough. But I m sure this other poor woman will go someplace better.
So that s what happened last time someone killed the zombie and the portal closed?
Well& not exactly. In that case, the portal was opened shortly after it was created. That meant that the
sorcerer who created it was still alive and had control of the zombie. To kill the zombie, they needed to
kill the controller.
Like with one raised by a necromancer?
Somewhat. Both types, if under someone s control, cannot be killed. Had yours been raised by a
necromancer, a lethal blow simply wouldn t have been lethal.
Like in the movies. You keep hacking, they keep walking.
Precisely. But dimensional zombies with a controller He stopped and gave a small laugh. Sorry.
Talia s making faces, telling me that I m veering far from the topic and probably confusing you. You
don t need to know about controlled zombies, because that clearly isn t what you have. To contain
zombies from the nineteenth century, your portal had to have been made around the time the letter was
written. Only a sorcerer can create a portal, and they have normal life spans, meaning whoever made this
one is long dead.
Hence any connection is already severed, Jeremy said.
Clay nodded. So all we need to do is kill the second zombie.
Thereby returning the portal to a balanced state, Robert said. Opening the portal allowed those souls
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to cross dimensions. That causes imbalance. Return them to the other side, and anyone who wandered
into the portal will be released. Balance is restored. The portal closes.
We were counting on the woman being easy to find and at the end of an unbroken scent trail. Even after
twenty-four hours, that wasn t as improbable as it might seem. She was from another century, and
unlikely to have hopped on a GO train and headed for the suburbs.
The bowler-hatted man had adjusted to modern transportation quickly enough, but carjacking was
probably little different from commandeering a horse or buggy, and I suspected he d had some
experience at that. He d figured out that cars were the modern equivalent of a coach-and-four, grabbed
one and let the driver do the tricky part.
As for how he d tracked us, we assumed it had something to do with the letter. As for why he d wanted
it that puzzled even Robert. He could only guess that he d tracked us like a domestic dog following a
rabbit s scent only because instinct told him to. To avoid the problem this time we d left the letter in the
car, hidden in a place that would require werewolf strength or a hydraulic jack to access.
We began the hunt in human form, starting a block from the portal site where I d picked up the woman s
scent earlier that day. I tracked it for five blocks.
When the trail hit an industrial area riddled with abandoned or semiabandoned buildings, it meandered,
as if she d lingered there. Eventually it led into one of these buildings where she must have rested then
snaked out of the neighborhood and over to a busier street, still rife with industrial buildings and
warehouses, but many converted to lofts and nightclubs. It continued down the street of nightclubs, past
lines of people waiting to get inside.
She crossed the road here, I said.
We only got a few steps when I picked up the smell of rot again, stronger and fresher.
I m getting it too, Clay said. She s close.
Halfway across, I stopped as a fresh wave of the scent came over on the breeze. I looked up to see a
short, sturdy figure under a dim streetlight. She wore a hooded cloak of some kind, high heels and a short
skirt. Her back was to us.
A car honked. Clay grabbed my elbow and hurried me across into the alley. I peered out, then ducked
back around the corner.
So how do we handle this? I whispered.
Mercifully, Jeremy said.
No questioning then?
Don t need to, Clay said.
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Jeremy hesitated, and I knew he was thinking it would be nice to question her. Personal curiosity, of
course, but it could be concealed under the guise of education, wanting to add to the supernatural
world s knowledge of portals.
After a moment, he shook his head. Quickly and mercifully is best. Clay? Go out and ask her into the
Clay looked at Jeremy as if he d just been told to dance the rumba on a public thoroughfare.
I bit back a laugh. Just walk over to her and point at the alley. Maybe say& I don t know& something
like fifty bucks. I looked at Jeremy. Does that sound right? Fifty?
His brows shot up. Why are you asking me?
I wasn t I just meant, as a general& I threw up my hands. How am I supposed to know how much
a hooker costs?
Your guess is as good as mine.
I sighed. Fine, fifty bucks sounds good. It s not likeshe knows what the going rate is anyway. Just say
that and nod at the alley. She ll follow.
Clay continued to stare at us in silent horror.
Oh, for God s sake, you re ready to break her neck but you can t
I ll do it, Jeremy said, then shot a look my way. Not that I have any more experience soliciting
prostitutes than Clay does.
Never crossed my mind.
A mock glare, then he headed out.
I m sure fifty bucks and a nod to the alley would have been enough, but Jeremy chatted to her for a
couple of minutes first. Then he led her into the alley.
When she saw us blocking the other end, she stopped. Jeremy, at her heels, moved fast, intending to
snap her neck before she knew what was happening. Quick and merciful. But we d tipped her off too
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