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against a tree, his eyes shaded, but she knew he was
watching her. He stood upright, unfolding himself to
his full height before ambling across to her. She
shivered. There was something very precise about his
movements, as if he knew exactly what he wanted
and was about to go after it. He was totally naked,
and she didn t have to think too hard to guess exactly
what it was he wanted. Her stomach lurched.
Amy O'Connor
 Well. He reached out and ran a finger down her
cheek, his eyes searing her skin as they followed the
movement of his hand.  My little disbeliever. He
shook his head sorrowfully.  You realize I m not
going to let you go until you agree to marry me?
Unfortunately for him, she could see the
amusement glittering in the dark brown depths of his
His fingers traced the curve of her shoulder,
snagging the second strap and flicking it off her
shoulder. The gown sagged, held up only by the rope
he d tied around her waist. Her breasts were
revealed, nipples already pebbling in the cool breeze.
Nate s fingers traveled lower, and she shuddered at
the feather light touch.
He circled her nipples then stepped closer so his
entire body was pushed against hers. She craved the
skin-to-skin contact and couldn t help pushing
against the ropes, trying to hold herself more firmly
against him. He stepped back.
 Why would I want to marry you? she goaded.
 Because I ll torture you until you do. He sunk to
his knees before her, lifted the skirt and tucked it over
the rope. His voice was a low rumble against her
naked pussy.  Spread your legs.
He puffed breath onto her clit, a single finger
probing her entrance.  You want me. Admit it, he
 Bad girl, he whispered and ran his tongue down
her thigh, catching the moisture that was continually
Moon Illusion: The Moore Werewolves
trickling.  Little liar.
Gina screwed her eyes closed and leant back
against the tree. If she hadn t had it behind her, her
knees would have buckled by now and he d hardly
even touched her. The idea of being totally at his
mercy, completely in his control, was becoming very,
very sexy.
So she wasn t about to tell him that she would have
said  yes back in the kitchen. He d fiddled with her
concept of time before she d had the opportunity. For
that alone, she was willing to make him wait. Besides,
she liked his idea of sensual torture. She wondered
how long she could string it out before she d agree to
anything he wanted?
 Get off your knees, wolf-boy, she managed,
looking down at him.  It won t work.
 Wolf boy? The words were almost lost in a snarl
as he sank fluidly into the shape of a wolf, fur
rippling along his limbs as he changed. A pair of wolf
eyes glared balefully up at her, and she trembled in
Nate had run his wolf-tongue up her leg, returned
to nip at her ankle, then nuzzled between her legs.
She tried to pull her legs more firmly together but he
held his body between them, his gorgeous fur
rubbing sensuously against her naked legs.
He pushed his head upwards, forcing her legs
further apart, and his tongue ran a long wet line up
her thigh. Her head fell back again. Then it was
Nate s hands holding her legs open, and Nate s
amazing tongue licking up her cream.
Amy O'Connor
 I don t think  yugh is very polite, he noted,
plunging three fingers deep inside her and using
them to jerk her hips closer to his face.  My wolf
tongue is rather clever, you know.
 Yes. A breathless mewling sound echoed around
the forest in time with his stroking tongue. Oh, my
God was that her making those noises?
 Yes, what? He managed to sound totally
 Yes& just& yes. Her hips lunged helplessly into
his mouth, each thrust bringing her into contact with
the rope at her waist. Behind her back, her fingers
Closer. She needed him to be closer&
Nate shook his head and stood up.  Not good
The slight distance between them was pure agony.
His fingers were still deep in her cunt, but she missed
the heat of his mouth, the intimacy of having him on
his knees before her.
He raised his eyebrows, leant a little closer, then
pushed hard on her clit just as she thought he might
kiss her.
Stars were bursting behind her eyes. There was no
way she could put two cohesive thoughts together, let
alone enough words to agree to marry him. He
relented.  Will you marry me?
 Yes. She gasped as he pushed impossibly deeper.
 I love you.
 I love you, too, he growled, suddenly grinding
his hips into hers. The extra friction was all it took to
Moon Illusion: The Moore Werewolves
send her soaring, screaming her release into the
surrounding forest.
When she opened her eyes, she was still standing
against the tree, the ropes as firmly tied as before.
 Um, could you untie me, do you think?
Nate looked up from where he was sprawled
against a trunk a few feet away. He grinned.  Nope.
 But&  She was honestly confused. She d been so
sure that he was teasing an answer out of her; nothing
else had crossed her mind.
 I like seeing you there, all nice and helpless. She
shivered at his words. The predatory gleam was back
in his eyes.  It s a particular fantasy of mine.
Gina squeaked, half alarmed, half horny as hell.
Last night she wouldn t have even contemplated
being tied up and fucked. Now, however, with
 Besides, it s payback, he informed her as he
stood, casually stretching his arms above his head.
 Werewolf hearing, remember?
Her eyes widened as she realised he d heard her
and Rob talking. All along he d known she was
teasing him, that she d as much as told Rob that she
was going to say  yes to his cousin. She licked her
lips cautiously.  I was only& 
 I don t care, he purred, stalking her.  Payback
can be hell.
The End
About the Author
my O Connor lives in the Australian outback.
When she s not writing (which isn t very often)
she can usually be found attempting to round up her
sons, cats, and poultry, or trying to restore her one-
hundred-year-old garden. Occasionally, she even
manages to sneak in a few hours reading a good
book. Unfortunately, since that tends to involve
running away and hiding on the side verandah, it
doesn t happen as regularly as she d like! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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