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Eden was given a careful nod from her Princeps before he turned back to join Val and the
Douglas . She exhaled and slid Noah a questioning look. So we re really doing this?
The thought had her whole body humming with excitement but she also felt the weight of their
decision upon her chest. She d been hurt badly before by this guy. And if it was possible she thought
maybe she cared about him even more than she did back then. What was that phrase? Fool me once,
shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me . Not to mention there was Romany in their past.
Desperate for nothing to come between this momentous development between them, Eden threw the
memory of the Neith back into the farthest corners of her brain. Hopefully Romany would never be a
problem again. She just had to hope she never crossed paths with the murderous witch because she
could see that being a potential setback in her and Noah s& relationship?
Stop, Noah said, cupping her cheek with his rough palm. Eden hated that he could read her so
well. What was that?! We re really doing this. And there will be no doubts, no backing out of it, and
no worrying that it will fall apart.
You sound awfully sure for a guy who s never done this before.
He grinned. I have faith.
Eden grimaced. We re Ankh, Noah. A relationship between us& isn t that kind of major?
He laughed, a deep happy laugh that took her by surprise. Drawing her closer, Noah kissed her,
still smiling, and she couldn t help but smile between each soft, lush kiss. Eventually he pulled back
just enough to whisper across her lips, I can do forever if you can.
Chapter Twenty One
Dude& do you love me?
So, you seem happy& Val commented softly as Eden poured them both a cup of coffee. For once,
they were alone in the house. The Douglas were at work, Tobe at school, Mhairi had gone to an
over-6os swimming club, and Noah and Cyrus were at the training centre, pretending to train as they
tried to root out info on their suspected traitors. Eden had assumed once they d killed the remaining
soul eaters that Cyrus would announce they were leaving (a thought that made Eden incredibly sad)
but he was determined to find out just who the traitor was. He didn t want someone telling Arcos and
her people that they were travelling back to the States. And with Christopher giving Cyrus a lead on
who it might be, Eden was frustrated to be left out of the loop. She was pretty sure it was McLeish
since he still treated her like crap, but Cyrus wouldn t say anything. He just told her not to worry, that
he had everything under control.
Eden slid Val her coffee thinking about her non-question. The truth was, despite how much was
going on right now, she was happier than she d ever been before. Other than some nightmares every
now and then, her transition from Unforeseen to Ankh had gone amazingly, almost seamlessly. She
loved the training, the fighting; her first kill had been this unbelievable moment of terror and
awesomeness. Once she d come down off the high and the whole Noah thing, Eden couldn t believe
how amazing it felt to have saved that girl s life. And that s what she got to do now. Six months ago
she had been so scared of the future, of what the future meant for her the fear that she would one
day give into her hunger and hurt someone, or worse. That was not only over but she was facing a
lifetime of the opposite. She had this mega-cool purpose, like one of the characters from her favourite
manga. It was utterly cheesy& but she was like& a superhero.
What? What is that ridiculous grin for? Val asked smiling.
Eden shrugged. I m happy. And with the happy came the guilt.
She pushed him away.
Despite McLeish and the traitor?
Yeah, despite McLeish and a lot of other things. The last week she d suddenly realised that her
time in Scotland was coming to an end, so she d ambushed Tobe and Cameron whenever she could.
And they had fun. Like always. But Tobe was right. Cameron was still acting weird and he was a
typical guy who didn t want to talk about his feelings or whatever. Tobe was worried. Eden was
worried. She really didn t want to leave Edinburgh without knowing Tobe and Cameron were going
to be alright. They were really great people and they had welcomed her, no questions asked. They
had come to mean a lot to her.
Eden sighed. They had come to mean a lot to her.
OK. There was no way she was leaving Scotland without fixing things between those two. Eden
snorted into her coffee. She was learning something new about herself every day. Apparently she
really was a meddler. Immediately Eden thought about Mhairi; she was beginning to the see the
resemblance between herself and Tobe s Nana more and more every day.
Things between you and Noah seem to be going well.
Eden glanced up at Val and shot her a look for the mischievous twinkle in the Ankh s eye. Yes,
they are.
That s all? Come on. As Tobe would say& dish.
Leaning against the counter in the kitchen, hugging the coffee mug to her chest, Eden tried
desperately not to get all dreamy-eyed and gooey like those girls who swooned at their boyfriend s
feet back home. She hated those girls. She was so not turning into one of those girls. Yet& Noah
made it pretty hard to resist the gooey, dreamy-eyed swooning. It hadn t mattered where they were,
over the last week if Noah could sneak in a kiss or two (or a full on makeout session) he would,
pulling her into broom closets, taking advantage of an empty training room and slamming her to a
mat (she still couldn t get the better of him at hand to hand combat and he was definitely using that to
his advantage) and kissing her breathless. It was exciting with Noah, and new, and something she
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