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hanging from Miranda s waist warded her and the stealth this allowed the human
irked Quylan.
Miranda sat down.  Do you know what he sees? she asked.
 No, Quylan replied.
 May I wait with you? Miranda inquired, trying to be polite.
After a pause, Quylan welcomed her. It would be good to have company through
the stressful
night. Both knew that Shan would only have bad news to report.
Even in the night, all was clear to Shan in the Jingten Valley, except for the
Tomb of Dacian. The night before he had failed to pierce the gloom of the
ancient structure, but he tried again. Like every other time he had probed the
tower, his mind revealed the same images. Every level was empty, stripped of
furnishings long ago.
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At last, he had a revelation and he marveled at his thoughtless assumptions
about the building. In his arrogance Shan had never considered the most
obvious detail about the tomb. Nothing in his explorations had indicated the
location of Dacian s burial vault.
Shan s anger at his stupid blindness almost sickened him. Finally he realized
that the tomb had to contain an extra warding within the first barrier of
magic. In his youth, Shan had been so proud to look inside the tomb that he
had not considered that he was being deceived.
Once Shan followed this reasoning, he quickly detected a new warding spell. It
was a masterpiece of magic, and it was very strong. He pushed against it with
his mind but it refused to yield to his efforts. Reluctantly, Shan determined
that he could only breach the warding if he was at the tower.
The perfection of the protection was so great that Shan doubted even Onja
could see through it without standing at the door of the tower.
Perhaps Faychan had been right to advise him to examine the Tomb of Dacian.
Shan would have to be wary of Onja if she approached the tower.
Accepting that he could not break through the warding even from a few hasas
away, Shan turned his mind to Jingten. He had maintained a diligent watch upon
Onja the entire day, and she had not left her private chambers. Although Shan
had been significantly distracted several times since the battle in the pass,
he had not seen her go to the Tomb of Dacian at all.
Now Shan saw Onja chanting in the depths of her meditation, and he had never
seen her work magic in this way before. Her words were slow and complex, and
the sounds were building in intensity with each passing syllable. She was
making a mighty spell.
The night went on and Shan remained in his trance. Miranda actually dozed off
while sitting up, but she woke up with a start when Quylan cried out. Shan had
returned to his surroundings and he leaned forward on his hands. The rys
pulled deep breaths into his lungs, reacquainting himself with his body, and
Miranda and Quylan went to his sides.
Shan s eyes still glowed with blue light as he looked from Miranda to Quylan.
 What is it? Quylan asked, sensing a great fear in him.
 Onja is bringing the battle to us, Shan answered.
 But let us move forward at least, Miranda urged.  You can fight her
anywhere, and I need to get my children.
 Miranda, this battle must be kept away from the city for the sake of the rys
and your children, he explained.
For a moment, his emotion prevented him from speaking, but he finally forced
out the words that he dreaded to say.  Onja is bringing the Deamedron upon
24 ~ Escape for the Dead ~
Tytido tossed in his bedroll. After so many battles, the very peace and quiet
of the valley disturbed him and he was restless so close to Jingten. He sat
up, and except for a few watch fires, he saw only the stars. The coldness of
the air told him it was late and the dawn was not far off.
With little chance of getting more sleep, Tytido put his boots on and tried to
prepare his mind for what could be the greatest day of his life or the last.
He went to check on Shan and, as he reached the rys, he found him on his knees
flanked by
Miranda and Quylan. Something was wrong.
Shan s eyes glowed with his power and he rose to his feet. He saw Tytido now
and spoke with detached calm.  Tytido, Onja is bringing her terrible servants,
the Deamedron, to attack us.
Tytido was a brave warrior who had faced death many times, but the Deamedron
automatically chilled his soul. Everyone grew up with the awful stories about
Onja s greatest evil, and the child of any tribe was always glad to learn that
the crazed wraiths haunted the other side of the
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According to legend the Deamedron froze living flesh with the demanding grip
of cold death, and already the primal forces of Tytido s fear stalked his
Miranda had much more than legend to fuel her fear and she urgently asked Shan
when they were coming.
 They are coming now. We must hurry to protect ourselves, Shan said.
 How? Tytido cried. To be near the Deamedron was to die.
Shan answered,  Everyone must squeeze into the proximity of all the warding
crystals we possess.
Those of us with warding crystals must spread out and try to include
Very consciously Miranda gripped the powerful rys weapon at her side. Very
knowingly she said,  There are not enough.
 Miranda, none must be allowed to panic, Shan said sternly.  I must know the
location of everybody in order to protect them. Any stray or erratic people
could get caught by the
 There is going to be panic, Miranda declared.
This exchange added to Tytido s wide-eyed alarm.  What what is this
Reaching into his jacket, Shan said,  It varies. Those swords will offer
protection in a wide area. He removed three small spherical crystals from his
pockets and continued,  These cover a much smaller area.
Shan regarded the frightened Hirqua. The loyal man had always been a good
warrior, and Shan decided to reward him.  But first, before you tell anybody,
go get the rys sword that is among
Redan s possessions. That will be yours now. I had meant to give it to Redan
forever, but it is needed.
 Thank you, Lord, Tytido said.
 You deserve it. Now go, Shan ordered.
Tytido faltered on his first few steps before he gathered himself and was once
again the lieutenant of Shan s warriors. He did not relish the thought of
looting Redan s body, but the Deamedron warranted it.
Shan lapsed into a profound silence. A sudden gusty breeze moaned through the
pines and
Miranda recalled the damp cold that clung to the stones in the Wilderness
 Shan, what will you do? she whispered.
 I will free the Deamedron by undoing Onja s spell. Those ancient souls should
welcome release
from their false hell, he said.
Quylan emerged from her thoughtful terror. Hesitantly she said,  Miranda is
right. We do not have enough warding crystals to protect every man. And what
about Lord Kwan? You said you would protect him too. It is the Deamedron he
needs protection from.
 I will endeavor to guard all the men with my magic, Shan said.
A veil of sorrow softened Quylan s face. She recognized that Shan was
admitting that some would die.
Knowing the news could not wait, Miranda said,  I will get Dreibrand.
When she entered the tent, Dreibrand was startled at first and would have
yelled with alarm, but his mouth was smothered by a passionate kiss. Miranda s
hair tumbled over his face, and his surge of extreme fear melted against her
 Now I get my real medicine, he murmured playfully.
A tiny whimper of distress accompanied her breath against his cheek.
 Dreibrand, she said.
He sat up with a groan. Pain rode his muscles with every movement and his body
resented relinquishing the deep sleep it had been enjoying. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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