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don t want you.
I don t care! David roared and the police came swarming in.
Jay took a couple steps back, giving them room and putting
more space between David and Thad.
Put the knife down so they don t think you re a bad guy, Jay.
I won t let him hurt you, babe.
I know. Thad took the knife from him just as David lunged,
the blade sinking into David s flesh. Oh my God&
Shit! He pushed Thad back behind him.
In here. Help! He attacked us. I had to do it.
I did it. It was me. Thad s knees buckled, his lover leaning
against him.
Two cops came in, guns drawn. David was on the floor,
screaming like the stuck pig he was.
Jay put his hands up, still protecting Thad. He broke in and
attacked us, officer.
He s my ex. He s been harassing me. I filed a report months
ago. I have a restraining order.
Jay filed that away. He wasn t the only one keeping secrets.
Can I put my hands down?
No, sir, just leave them up.
Jay did, watching as they checked out David and called for an
They had to give one statement after another, but fortunately
the police had seen David attack, seen that Jay had been standing
there, and finally, blessedly they were alone. In a candlelit house
with blood on the floor.
How about a shower, babe? He just wanted to feel clean and
hold Thad.
I should mop the floor. You go ahead. I ll be right there.
No, I ll help you clean. He grabbed Thad and pressed their
lips together, taking the kiss he d been needing for days. Thad
pressed close, tongue pushing into his lips, a deep moan filling the
air. He deepened the kiss, his hand sliding down to grab Thad s
ass, to pull him in as close as possible. His baby was shaking
against him. I have you. You re safe.
I& I& The wind was raging, ice slamming against the
house. What s wrong with me?
Nothing is wrong with you. David s the asshole.
David s an asshole. I get mugged. I stab my ex. Break up with
my lover&
You haven t broken up with me we had an argument, not the
same thing at all. He wasn t letting Thad break up with him, not
over this.
My head hurts, Jay. So bad.
Then come on, let s go get that shower. The cleaning will
wait. He didn t wait for an agreement. Thad needed someone to
take care of him for a little while. He grabbed Thad s hand and led
him down the hall to the bathroom.
They brought one of the candles with them, lit the few scattered
about the room. If it hadn t been for the ice storm raging outside, it
would be romantic. He got the shower going and started
undressing Thad. It s going to be all right, babe.
It s not. I just stabbed somebody.
You didn t mean to. He was coming at you. He got Thad
naked and pushed him in under the water.
Come in with me? Thad reached for him.
Yeah, lemme get my clothes off. He stripped quickly, then
stepped into the shower with Thad.
The hot water beat down on them, and he pulled Thad close,
hands running over the long body. You re okay. I ve got you.
It s been a shitty week.
It has. And I m sorry for my part in it.
I just& I felt so bad. Thad kissed his jaw, his chin.
I should have told you. I didn t mean anything by it. I wasn t
trying to slight you.
I want to know everything about you. I& You re not just a
guy to me.
I ll tell you anything you want to know. He would, he could
do that. Of course, he was expecting the same honesty from Thad,
too. Like why hadn t this abusive fuck s name even come up?
And you re not just a guy to me, either, Thad. I d thought that
was pretty clear already, but in case it s not&
Thad held him close, sweet body shaking.
I love you, he said softly. And I m not letting anyone hurt
Stay? Please? Thad s arms were like iron bands.
Like he would leave Thad alone after what had just happened.
Just try and get rid of me.
I don t think so. Not today.
You ll have trouble doing it tomorrow, too. Next day also.
Okay. I can live with that. I took the week off.
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