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lem. Democracies don t make war on each other or kill their own people.
Geoffrey sat back in his wooden chair and raised an eyebrow.  I
must say, John, such idealism has no place in practical international
politics. Aside from that, stopping the massacres and preventing a pos-
sible Europe-wide war is practical enough for me. He paused and
waved to include John and the others.  But I must ask again, who are
you to stop these massacres?
R. J. Rummel
John and Jy-ying had long discussed this question, among others,
during the long trip. He gave the answer as they had prepared it.  I am
rich beyond your imagination, and have more power than you can
imagine. My company has become very influential. I have company
offices in Berlin, Saint Petersburg, Paris, Tokyo, and other places, in-
cluding, as you may know, in London. I will use all my wealth and
power to stop this killing. And I want to help prevent a European war
that, as you mention, may soon break out.
Robinson leaned forward, slowly looked John over, and then
glanced at Jy-ying and Hands. He frowned slightly, then held up his
hand.  I don t understand. Why are you doing this?
 We hate war and killing. We have seen both. Jy-ying is a survivor
of one; she lost her whole family. I barely survived one, and a woman I
loved deeply died in another. We have dedicated our lives and all our
resources to doing this. If you want to put a label on us, call us crusad-
ers for democracy.
Geoffrey nodded and leaned back.  I understand that. My grandfa-
ther likewise dedicated his life to ending the slave trade, and my father
was deeply anticolonial. However, he wanted all the colonies to be
made independent in domestic governance, but part of a British com-
monwealth, an aim to which I m also dedicated. So I m with you, as
long as what you plan is legal and if a big if, John you don t endan-
ger my newspaper or my principles.
He paused a moment.  Are you an American secret agent? Are you
working for President Taft? I know he has this interest in dollar diplo-
macy substituting dollars for bullets but I didn t know he was also
interested in fostering democracy.
 No, we are not American agents. But you must understand that,
even were we secret agents, we could not divulge it. Here is how you
can help us. First, we need photographs of the massacres, of dead and
dying Armenians. Best if it s children. And even better if the Turks are
photographed in the act. Do you have such photos?
 Some, and I know where you might get more.
 Good. Second, do you know of any British or European groups
that would lobby their politicians against the massacres if they had the
funds to do so, including publishing petitions, photos, and anti-Turk
 We see this as much like an advertising campaign, similar to selling
a new automobile. Our intention is to bring moral pressure to bear on the
democratic parliaments or governing councils and monarchs of Christian
Genocide Never Again 119
countries. We want them to see intervention in Turkey as not only the
right thing to do, but also in their interest. This means that we must also
bring an end to the Balkan War and prevent a broader European war.
Geoffrey stared at John with wide eyes and puckered lips. He
looked at Jy-ying, again raising an eyebrow, clearly one of his favorite
expressions.  Is your partner crazy?
She gave him a long look.  He is dead serious, as I am.
Hands cleared his throat and gestured toward John.  And as I am,
also. He speaks for both of us.
Geoffrey turned to John.  Well, given such seriousness, how could
I deny what you ask? I will assign one of my staff members full time to
you an apprentice I hired. His parents immigrated here from Turkey
when he was three years old, and he is completely anglicized. He
learned Turkish from his parents, however, and reads the major Turkish
newspapers and maintains contact with Turkish immigrant groups here
and in Europe. That s one reason I hired him. I will pledge him to abso-
lute secrecy. He rose, then added,  Oh, yes. Before I bring him in,
how much in total are you willing to spend? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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