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Mao Tse-Tung, the situation was already differ-
half-joking tone, I asked Mao Tse-Tung whether Tse-Tung the place in the report on N.S.
one could consider that on this question we are Khrushchev s trip where Chinese-American rela- Having further on his own initiative broached
united on all ten fingers. Mao Tse-Tung said, tions are discussed.
the question of the border conflict between India
that it is so, and added, that in general, whenever Regarding this, Mao Tse-Tung noted that
and the Chinese People s Republic, Mao Tse-
we have some sort of disagreements, they consist Comrade N.S Khrushchev in his conversations
Tung underlined: We never, under any circum-
of just one finger out of ten, or more precisely, with Eisenhower had spoken very firmly and
stances, will move beyond the Himalayas. That
just half a finger. Regarding that, he continued, correctly about the Taiwan question. Taiwan,
is completely ruled out. This is an argument over
if there are some disagreements between us, then continued Mao Tse-Tung, is an inalienable part of
inconsequential pieces of territory.
they are not of permanent character, but are China. Contrary to a number of countries, which
Nehru is now trying to use the armed inci-
partial and temporary. On most questions we are after World War II had been divided in accor- dent which took place on the border, Mao Tse-
united on all ten fingers. Sometimes, it may dance with international agreements (Germany,
Tung said further. He is pursuing a three-part
appear that our disagreements are on many fin- Korea, Vietnam), on the Taiwan question there
goal: First, he is trying to deliver a blow to the
gers, rather than just one, but that is incorrect. In had not been and were not any sort of international
Communist Party of India; second, to ease for
fact, on all important and fundamental matters acts in which the separation of Taiwan from China
India the conditions for the receipt of economic
there is always unity between us. had been mentioned. To the contrary, even during
aid from the Western powers, in particular from
In response to the interest which Mao Tse- the war, in the Cairo Declaration, it had been
the USA; and third, to obstruct the spread of
Tung expressed, I briefly imparted to him the decided that after the completion of military op- influence of the CPR and the socialist camp on
main points of the information conveyed to him. erations Taiwan would be freed from its Japanese
the Indian people.
Mao Tse-Tung listened to this report with great occupiers and returned to China.
Further, Mao Tse-Tung touched on the situ-
interest, and in a number of places added his own At the same time, Mao Tse-Tung announced
ation in Tibet, pointing out that at the present time
commentaries on certain questions. He agreed further, the Chinese People s Republic does not
Tibet had set out toward democratic reformation,
with the CC CPSU s conclusion, as contained in intend to start a war with the United States of
and precisely that more than anything frightens
the information, that as a result of Comrade N.S. America over Taiwan. We can wait 10-20 and
Nehru. It is necessary to note, continued Mao
Khrushchev s visit to the USA there had been even 30 or 40 years, continued Mao Tse-Tung. In
Tse-Tung, that the popular masses of Tibet had
carried out a real relaxation of tensions in the this case we are taking into account the experience
met these reforms with great enthusiasm. During
the Tibetan events approximately 12 thousand of the coastal islands the Americans did not as- had already used it, and mastered it well, as the
people had left for India, of whom reactionary sume the obligation of defending Quemoy and results of this operation showed. Therefore, the
elements, large landowners-serfholders, reac- Matsu, they took a passive position. It might credit for the shooting down of the plane belongs
tionary lamas, stewards of landed estates and so seem, continued Mao Tse-Tung, that here there is to the Chinese anti-aircraft gunners. It is also
on made up around 6-7 thousand. Around 5 a sort of very tricky and unclear matter, but in fact pleasant for us to hear, I added, your evaluation of
thousand people ran off to India under compul- everything is clear enough. Of course, he added, our weapons, and that you associate this victory
sion, deception, or threat. These refugees at the all this is said relevant to the situation which with our aid.
present time are manifesting a desire to return to obtained in the autumn of last year. Now, already, Yes, we associate them, said Mao Tse-
China. Of all the serfholders-landowners of there is no sense in continuing these measures. Tung. After the presentation of the conclusions
Tibet, around 80 percent took part in the revolt, Overall, it is possible to consider the measures we of the CC CPSU, as contained in the concluding
and many of them ran off to India. However, took last year, continued Mao Tse-Tung, as one of part of the report regarding the journey of Com-
some of the landowners remained in Tibet. Re- the links in a chain of those troubles, which were rade N.S. Khrushchev to the USA, Mao Tse-
garding those landowners who remained, re- created for the Americans. Another link in this Tung again announced: Your evaluation (i.e. the
marked Mao Tse-Tung, certain measures had chain was the advancement of the Berlin question evaluation of the CC CPSU-S.A.) is correct. We
been taken aimed at giving them, after reforms, by the Soviet Union. agree with it. We have no disagreements on those
the possibility of maintaining their long-term In the Middle-Eastern crisis, and the shelling questions. Further Mao Tse-Tung said that the
existence. of the islands, and the broaching of the Berlin Cold War had already begun to be an unfavorable
Characterizing the situation in Tibet, Mao question these are all events which have caused factor for the American imperialists themselves.
Tse-Tung tried hard to emphasize that it is to a trouble for the Americans. These events made And the imperialists will bring an end to the Cold
great degree unique. The Dalai Lama is a god, possible the achievement of several goals which War only when it turns into an unfavorable factor
not a man, said Mao Tse-Tung in any case you posit in Europe, noted Mao Tse-Tung. And for them. Mao Tse-Tung emphasized that he had
he is seen that way by the majority of the Tibetan in fact, he continued, the CPR will not begin a already spoken about this with Comrade N.S.
population. Mao Tse-Tung said further that it is war with the USA, nor with Chiang Kai-shek over Khrushchev during their meeting in July-August
even better that the Dalai Lama left for India, the Taiwan question. 1958. If the Americans want to end the Cold War
insofar as if he had remained in Tibet the masses As far as Chinese-American relations are now, it means that it has become disadvantageous
of Tibetan peasants could not raise themselves to concerned, said Mao Tse-Tung, we, the Chinese, for them. And for us, continued Mao Tse-
the realization of democratic reform. If, contin- have so far done what we can. The Americans do Tung, what do we need it for? It is another
ued Mao Tse-Tung, we had arrested the Dalai not want to recognize us and every day conduct matter if the Americans, as before, are inclined to
Lama, that would have called the population of anti-Chinese propaganda, cursing us in all sorts of take a hard line, in that case we can be more than
Tibet forth into rebellion. This is difficult even ways in the newspapers and in official pronounce- tough enough.
for Chinese from other parts of our country to ments. Meanwhile, there is a single serious ques- Mao Tse-Tung right after that said that dur-
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