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of his pinkie, she hauled back with all her strength. A snap sounded loudly and the qarm s grip gave way,
allowing Dohsan to dance out of his reach.
A moment later, the agonized howl that split the air cut off abruptly as GanR dari s sword flashed with
murderous intent.
The thud of the qarm s disembodied head hitting the flagstones echoed gruesomely throughout the
square. Fighting the urge to puke, Dohsan raised a shaking hand to her face, swiping at the splattered
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blood dripping into her eyes.
Blood-drenched sword held aloft and at the ready, GanR dari stood with feet planted wide, eyes blazing
and mouth stern.
 Who will be next?
Chapter Five
His agitated footsteps rang on the flagstones, echoing off the chamber s thick stone walls as he paced
before Dohsan, the Chyya and Chyya va.  By Deth s balls, Dohsan, what were you thinking of?
 Gee, I don t know,  Dari. Saving your sorry life, maybe?
Despite his plans to remain calm and non-confrontational, a blast of furnace-hot anger roared through
him, igniting a new spike of agony to join the headache throbbing behind his burning eyes. The pain
pulsed with every heartbeat, a measure of the hurt he suffered contemplating her actions, her lack of faith
in his ability to see to her protection.
 I did not require your assistance then and I do not care for your sarcasm, now, fem!
 Eat me! Her eyes flashed, revealing her own anger with him. As usual, proof of her spirit, her courage
in the face of danger flooded him with pride and admiration. Now, those feelings were swamped with the
reminder of how close he d come to losing her.
 That is second on my agenda, baby-fem. Right after I heat up your impudent bottom. Lust flared as
her eyes widened in alarm and a delicious-looking flush of color bathed her cheeks.
 Not living likely, buster! she gritted out, backing cautiously away from his menacing approach.  Not
even when you re dead! You try that, I promise you ll have a fight on your hands.
 I ll relish seeing just how muchfight you have within you.
She snarled, flashing her teeth as she flung about and headed out the room.  I ll be glad to show you.
Stick around, chump, I ll be right back!
The doors slammed against the outer walls, a testament to her strength. Each door weighed more than a
hundred pounds.
Still angry and looking for a fight,  Dari cursed, fists clenched at his side, eyes glued to the open portal.
She d left, not even willing to stay and defend herself against his accusations.
She was right not to trust me to see her safely out of danger. Even now, when she s gone through
such trauma, I attack her--
Too disturbed to stand still, GanR dari stormed back and forth across the broad expanse before the
twin thrones in the vast throla, empty now except for him, Glendevtorvas and Glennora.
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Nnora leaned forward, eyes glittering with determination.  I have repeatedly told you both that we are
sitting on a powder keg, here. This event proves our people s condition is worsening. Wehave to do
something about this situation or we will face events worse than the one you just came through,  Dari.
 It was Dohsan s immature actions that sparked this present situation. If she had not --
 Stop,  Dari! Nnora stood up and stamped over to stand toe-to-toe with her stubborn friend.  You just
hold it right there. How dare you call my sister immature? She may be young, but she is far more
enlightened to the problems facing our world than you and Dev seem to be. If you had any idea of what
drives her, what motivates her -- She threw her hands up in the air.  Men!
Devtorvas s barked laughter had both  Dari and Nnora turning to frown at him. He waved his hands,
dismissing their anger.  No need turning such fierce looks upon me. You two sound like squabbling
siblings, the way you are going at each other. Both of you take a step back and come at this problem
with more objectivity. He may have delivered his calm words as advice, but both knew a command
when they heard one.
 I find it hard to be objective about the fem I love almost being force-fucked by a mob of
pava-maddened qarm right before my face -- He broke off, unable to adequately express, even now,
how frightened he had been.
 She could have died at their hands. If something had set that mob off again, there would have been
nothing I could do to alter the outcome.
Frustrated, he whirled about and pounded his fists against the wall, a deep-throated roar of anger and
tension ringing and echoing in the vast chamber.
The emotional storm quickly ran its course and he turning back to face his two friends. A little
sheepishly, embarrassed by his outburst, he shook his head and tried again to explain, his words gruff and
hesitant.  What would have happened if the other males had rushed me after I killed that first desperate
soul? I would have done anything, bargained with Deth, himself, to save her, yet it wouldn t have been
enough. What could I have done against that great a number? The realization that my inattention placed
her in that kind of danger will be the theme of my future nightmares. I failed her and I never want to feel
that helpless ever again.
 You have to let it go,  Dari. Devtorvas cleared his throat; his voice gruff as he advised his long-time
friend.  Hold on to the fact that you did not fail her, you saved her.
 That s not true, Dev. I was so engrossed in trying to bury my cock in her pava, that I paid no attention
to our surroundings. You and I both would have the head of any raw recruit who pulled a no-brained
stunt like that. I should have been alert and ready. Her life and safety depended on me being in control
and today, my inattention nearly cost her dearly.
 You are too hard on yourself.
 No, Chyya, I am not. If anything, I am not hard enough. GanR dari s voice hardened.  Saving Dohsan
from herself is a glowrise to glowset undertaking, made more difficult because she will not modify her
unruly behavior.
Rising anger dissipated the last lingering wisps of his melancholy.  As long as she continues to indulge in
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the kind of wild antics she was accused of today, she will continue to get into trouble. One day, it will be
trouble I cannot handle.
A small hand landed in the middle of his chest with enough power to rock him back on his heels. He
stared down at the aching area on his chest, and then raised his head until his disbelieving gaze focused
on Nnora s angry expression. To say she looked spitting mad would have been an understatement.
 What was that for?  Dari rubbed his chest, slanting an indulgent glance toward his agitated queen.
 Do you have any idea of how asinine you sound? First of all, I do NOT need to hear you talking about
sticking your mile long dong up my baby sister s vagina. She whispered the last word.  Furthermore, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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