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Aubrey Ross
acquaintance than any person who came before. I love you, Elaina Xyell. And we will
be together again. His lips settled over hers, sealing the vow with a passionate kiss.
Her lips parted for his tongue and her hands clutched his shoulders. She accepted
the tenderness he poured into her and responded with eager acceptance. He shifted her
head to the bend of his elbow, cradling her against his chest. She felt surrounded and
supported, safe in his arms.
She never wanted the kiss to end. But his lips slowly pulled away and he loosened
his arms from around her.  Go. Tell the princess what you have learned. I will tell my
master you are angry that the magistrate has done nothing about these missing girls
and you are going to find someone with the authority to force his hand.
 That s brilliant. Pushing to the balls of her feet, she kissed him.  You are brilliant.
Mikko won t be surprised at all when I go over his head. In fact, he d be surprised if I
didn t. My connection with the royal family is more trouble than it s worth most of the
time. Still, when a legitimate cause presents itself, I don t hesitate to use what limited
power I possess.
 Will you return tomorrow?
 I m not sure. It depends what Naloni has learned in the meantime. She lingered,
feeling as if she were about to sever a body part.  If it s going to take longer, I ll send
word through Laetif. She raised her hand, stopping his objection.  I ll be careful with
what I tell her. I know you don t trust her. I m dying to know what that passenger
business is about.
 She is more likely to explain it to you than to me. Still, I will give her the priestess s
message. He slapped her on the butt then gently pushed her away.  Just go.
Procrastinating is not making this easier.
He was right. The only way to do this was fast and final.  I ll see you soon. She
blew him a kiss and hurried off down the street. She didn t look back. She didn t dare.
One glance at his handsome face and she would have run back into his arms.
* * * * *
 Did she tire of you so quickly? Max s playful jeer brought Theos up short in the
corridor leading to the gladiator barracks.  I could have kept her moaning with
pleasure for at least a week.
Theos didn t rise to the bait. He ignored the provocation and calmly faced his
friend.  May I enter your room, lanista? I need to speak with you.
 This is becoming your new routine. Max motioned Theos inside.  Why have you
returned so soon?
 I will explain in a moment. Have you heard of the House of Morpheus?
Max crossed his arms over his chest, eyes narrowed and suddenly hostile.  If you
enjoy fucking this woman, then respond to her calls. If she is using you to undermine
the founders, you are a fool.
Theos moved closer and lowered his voice.  Tell me what you know.
 I know you should leave it alone. People who poke sticks at this beast are
devoured by it.
 How long has it been going on?
 Long before the evacuation. Max shook his head and rubbed the bridge of his
nose.  Before I arrived as well. When people have enough money to buy anything they
want, they often do exactly that.
 So we should do nothing? Our women are being raped for sport, our men tortured
for entertainment, and we should look the other way? You have known about this and
remained silent?
 What would you have me do? I am little more than a slave myself. To whom
would I appeal? When Theos offered no suggestions, Max went on.  I train killers who
fight for the amusement of others. How is that any different than what goes on at events
sponsored by the House of Morpheus?
Aubrey Ross
 Then it is not a physical place? It made sense that it would not be. A permanent
location would only increase the chances of exposure.
 It is an organization, very exclusive, very expensive.
 Have you ever attended one of their events?
Max scoffed, averting his gaze as he replied,  I ve been featured at one of their
events. I was an attraction, not a guest.
 And yet you survived to tell the tale. That makes you a willing accomplice.
 Willing? Emotion thickened Max s tone, making it hardly recognizable.  I was
thrown naked and unsuspecting into a full-contact wrestling pit. Do you understand
what that means? Theos had a pretty good idea, but Max s graphic explanations
removed any doubt.  The loser is pinned when the winner s cock is shoved up his ass. I
was pinned three times before rage enabled me to brutalize my opponent. I m not sure
which was worse.
In a world filled with brutality and death, rape should not have impacted him. Even
so, Theos found himself shaken and tense. He clasped his hands behind his back and
stared past Max, unsure how to respond to his friend.  I apologize. I spoke out of turn. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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