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started dinner the thuds and yells from upstairs were dying
Toy Box: Silk
by Kiernan Kelly
down. Tommy fervently hoped his costumes had been neatly
hung first. Knowing Pol and Rinnie, the answer was yes, but
still, he worried.
Pol's phone rang in his study, but Tommy knew better than
to answer it. Pol didn't like boys answering the phone. He had
voicemail for messages, he'd said sternly.
Pol came in a few minutes later to Tommy's surprise, he
was fully dressed again in his teaching clothes listening to a
message on his phone.
He hung up, and gave Tommy the once over. "Rinnie will
be staying in bed until the morning. Put a sandwich and glass
of milk by my bed. He'll need something when he wakes up
from his nap." Pol gave a wicked grin. "And you need to set
the dining room table. I have a dinner guest arriving in thirty
Tommy gave his dinner prep a panicked look. At least the
chicken was already roasting.
"Regular dinner is all that's required just provide dom
service. You're fine as you are. No need to put a shirt or
shoes on. I'll get the door when he arrives."
Tommy knew better than to ask for details, but he took
care with the table presentation. Pol had bought some real
flowers for Rinnie's stage hair, and Tommy floated the few
leftover blooms in a silver dish as his centerpiece.
With his dinner under control, he took up Rinnie's snack.
Rinnie was sprawled on the bed with a fine set of bruises
starting to bloom on his ass. Some black silk bands remained
tied around his wrists and ankles. He rolled over sleepily and
smiled at Tommy.
Toy Box: Silk
by Kiernan Kelly
"These are from offcuts don't worry. And Sir found the
boxers you made us. Thank you. Awesome surprise! I hung
the costumes up."
"Thanks. Sir says to stay in bed. He has a sir guest so I'm
on duty and you are upstairs. He wants you to rest."
"Good," said Rinnie. "I am wored out. He has geisha kink!"
"Cio-Cio's not a geisha," said Tommy, oddly hurt by the
slur on Butterfly.
"I know! She's a good girl. So sweet!" Rinnie gulped down
his glass of milk and gave Tommy a heartbreaking orphan-
eyed milk-mustached smile at odds with the bite- and
scratch-marks on his chest.
"You go serve, Tommy. I hear a car."
"Balls! I should be in the kitchen!"
Tommy managed to sprint past Pol and make it to the
kitchen before the doorbell rang.
He'd pulled together a simple salad as a starter. He tried to
steal a look at Pol's guest as he served, but he could tell Pol
was watching him. He kept his eyes obediently down and all
he could see was an elegant black suit and shiny shoes. One
of the posh doms then, he thought. Not like Dr. Fell. Although
Dr. Fell cleaned up pretty good when he could be wrangled
into his suit. Once back in the kitchen, Tommy sighed. I
wonder if I made a good impression during the show. I do
want an owner of my own oh fuck! Tommy dropped his
stirring spoon, suddenly suspicious that the man he'd just
served salad was that friend of Pol's.
His hands shook as he plated the chicken and asparagus
peas. He mixed some pistachios into the wild rice in an
Toy Box: Silk
by Kiernan Kelly
attempt to fancy it up just a smidge. Thank God Pol was stern
about proper dinners as part of his and Rinnie's daily service.
Tommy summoned his training to get him through the rest
of dinner. He gleaned that the guest had dark hair and a
rumbly voice and spoke very precisely. He and Pol's
conversation seemed to be about the university and Tommy
guessed he was another professor. Shit, thought Tommy,
damned Ph.D.s. Am I doomed to adore aca-geeks? First Dr.
Fell, then Dr. Rnne, and now-
"Coffee and brandy, boy out on the terrace. Stay, in case
we need anything more."
Tommy nodded, knelt by Pol's chair, and settled in to wait.
In the gloom, he could see a little more of the man. He looked
to be somewhere between Pol and Dr. Fell in age forty,
maybe and medium height with a trim build that spoke of
workouts, but not bodybuilding. Tommy squirmed just a little,
and Pol flipped the crown of his head with a fingernail. "Be
still, boy."
His breathing quickened. He was sure this man was his
new owner. Pol's hand rested on his head and stroked his
crown. Pol's hands lifted his hair and let it cascade. Tommy
focused on the caress and missed the conversation shifting to
" shows his heritage."
Tommy blinked.
"Stand, Tommy. Now, turn."
Tommy kept his eyes down, but every fiber of him wanted
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