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"dominant" for my taste, although some men like them that way. I thought of
Stan Holt and smiled to myself at the thought of what she might show him! She
was more physically attractive than me, both in face and in her figure, but
what men find "attractive" in women is not always visible at first glance.
"If you both are willing to serve under my privateering com- mission," I
smiled back. I needed his skills, her leadership. A woman who is a "Queen of
Swords" gets plenty of respect from those under her.
The crews of privateers are often unruly types.
Page 87
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"And the Janis?" Jon asked with a smile. The heavy galley was unsuitable for
little more than ship to ship naval battles.
"I might find it useful until there is peace between Dularn and California," I
answered with a smile. I
knew Darlanis wanted the throne of Dularn, but she wasn't too likely to get it
unless the Dularnian people decided that they wanted her instead of her mother
who was becoming rapidly "unstable" now!
Flying into fits of rage that now terrified everyone around her! I suspected
the cause of Queen Tulis'
(5 of 7)14-7-2004 4:23:39
troubles, but knew that until she was will- ing at least to "accept" Darlanis
again as her "flesh and blood"
there was little that anyone could do for her. Darlanis herself was none too
"stable" either, I suspected, remembering too much!* * I did not at this time
suspect that Queen Tulis was actually dying of a brain tumor. In writing this
story I have written it as I lived it. I feel that the story is more
"interesting" this way. It also does reveal that none of us suspected the
"You at least seem to believe in the same things that we do," Jon's golden
haired companion smiled from beneath her veil.* * The reader should note here
that they both already knew of San- da's own actions. That surprisingly enough
everyone was able to keep from me the most amazing "secret" in the entire
history of Trelandar! So much for my awesome "IQ" I am often credited with.
Obviously Sanda proved to be the smarter woman of us two! She had a lot of
"help", of course, having built up an organization over the years that still
yet impresses me considerably knowing the sort of a woman that she is. I used
to "underestimate" San- da. I don't any more. When she tells me something, I
respect her opinions for what they are. She sure did fool Darlanis' own agents
who posed as prostitutes. Of course the fact that most members of the "Free
Trelandar" movement were women might have had something to do with it too. The
female sex throughout his- tory has been able to "get away" with stuff that
men never have. There is also Lara Warsan, who had her "role" in things here
"It's almost like a little bit of Dularn around here," Jon smiled. Others had
said the same thing to me.
It wasn't that surprising that I had irritated Darlanis and those who
preferred the "status quo". I believed in much the same things as Dularni- ans
do, although I was aware of the flaws in their society too. I had discussed
these matters with Sanda frequently, which is perhaps why she did what she
did, knowing that
I would be the best choice to represent the hopes and aspirations of her
"Behind you!" Sentis breathed, her eyes glowing through her veil at something
behind me! Jon's eyes widening as he looked! The sheriff of Thistle and half a
dozen men at arms there behind him! The redhead there at the bar was now
smiling to herself! I had no doubts about her anymore. She was one of
Darlanis' women!
"And what can I do for you, sheriff," I said, getting to my feet, feeling no
little degree of concern myself at the sight of his armed men and the
implications of his presence here! While he was under my own command, he also
held his position due to the Empress of California, and I had little doubt
that some of her agents might be hanging around! The redheaded prostitute
smiling to herself as she regarded me obviously was one of Darlanis' own
agents! There was no doubt in my mind that she was responsible for the sheriff
being here. She had known who Jon Richards actu- ally was! Now the sheriff was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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