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talk to her for me, not court her for yourself! Today I wake up and hear about youkissing her! he spat.
I suppose you were here all night?
Suffice it to say I ve offered Miss Hamilton my protection and she has said yes, and that is the end of it
as far as you re concerned.
Dolph howled. Hawk dodged the jab of an elbow aimed at his ribs.
You can t have her!
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She isn t yours to withhold or bestow.
Yes she is! Dolph tore free of his hold. I ll kill you, he panted, trying to circle him.
Hawk watched him in wily amusement. My dear boy, you ll do nothing of the kind. You really ought to
learn to control your passions. They ll get you into trouble someday.
You tricked me! You think you re so smart and that I m a fool, but whatever I am, at least I don t go
around pretending to be some kind of saint.
My goodness, such venom. It s not good for the digestion, Dolph.
Belinda Hamilton ismine. Belinda! he yelled toward the steps. Get down here! You re coming with
Why do you think that you own her?
I saw her first!
Do you even grasp the notion that she is a sentient being with her own wishes and her own will? She
doesn t want you and she isn t coming down here.
Belinda! Come down here now, you filthy little strumpet!
Now, that s really not very nice, Hawk chided, taking a menacing stride toward him, and another.
Shall we step outside?
Gladly, Dolph growled, missing Hawk s ruse merely to get him out of the house.
Glowering at him, Dolph warily backed outside, still poised to clash.
Hawk nodded firmly to a footman as he passed. The burly man in livery pulled the front door closed and
locked it.
Only then did Hawk feel a modicum of relief, knowing Belinda was safe inside. He squinted as his eyes
adjusted to the glaring afternoon sun. Dolph s phaeton crouched nearby in the cobbled street; the poor
cowering groom had a black eye.Bloody brute.
I did approach Miss Hamilton on your behalf, Dolph, he said, casually skewing the truth a bit. When
she assured me that you have no hope of succeeding with her, I saw no reason not to pursue her for
myself. She s a pretty thing and I rather fancy her. A man in my position needs a hostess you know, for
all the political entertaining.
A hostess? Dolph asked with a bark of angry laughter. Is that all you can think to do with her, you
cold fish? Why am I surprised? You ll never love her as I do. No one can.
Love, Dolph? Your actions toward Miss Hamilton bespeak anything but love. Considering all you ve
done to her, is it any wonder she detests you? Getting her father thrown in the Fleet? What were you
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It s not my fault! I m not the one who got the old fool into debt, he retorted, but his cheeks colored
with embarrassment. He did it to himself.
And you ve done this to yourself. I ll overlook your outburst and your stupid threats because you are
young and hotheaded. But know this. Belinda Hamilton is now under my protection. Do I make myself
Desperation flashed in Dolph s eyes. Just let me talk to her He took a step toward the door, but
Hawk blocked him with a firm hand on his chest.
Take your hand off me before I break it, Dolph snarled.
I see you did not hear my warning. Keenly, Hawk held his stare. Are you paying attention, Dolph?
Keep your distance from my mistress. What do you suppose the chaps at White s and Watier s and
every club on St. James s would say if they knew how you ve abused their idol? Think, Dolph. Do you
want the word to get out?
I m not afraid of anyone! Besides, no one s going to duel over a demirep, he retorted hotly.
Duel, maybe not, but youwill be shunned. Cut. Ostracized. You offend Miss Hamilton again or bother
her in any way, and you shall find Society a very cold place.
Dolph s hazel eyes registered the threat. His expression sobered, but he glanced again evilly at the
barred door to Harriette s house, as though still mulling over how to get in.
Seeing that look, Hawk was glad from the bottom of his soul for the fortresslike construction of Knight
House. There Belinda would be safe. He didn t dare leave her anywhere else.
Now, then. If you really want to get back in Belinda s good graces, you may begin by doing everything
in your power to get her old man out of jail, he smoothly suggested. You put him there. Make it right. If
I were you, I would find out the full sum he owes and pay it off.
Pay his bills? Are you mad? Dolph cried. That daft old man owes nearly three thousand pounds and
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