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him. When he took it without question, she smiled to herself.
44 Melinda Barron
Thank you, Cedric. He was almost at the counter now, his smile still in place. He
stopped near the front to pose for several picture with fans, then turned to Kennedy and
 Hi there.
 Hi. She hoped she didn t sound like an idiot; she was pretty sure she did.
 Toffer sent me. He winked at her. With that one blink of an eye, her nipples drew
taut and her pussy grew wet. This was bad, very bad. She had to convince her body not to
react to him every time he walked into a room. Last night was over.
 Oh, you ve come to get the car. Right, I ll go dig the keys out of my purse. It s in my
Cedric put his hand on hers to still her, then leaned in.  No, he sent me inside. He and
Grace are in the car, waiting. We were afraid the both of us coming in would cause too much
of a stir. Besides, I wanted to see you.
A low moan escaped her lips and she cleared her throat to give herself time to recover.
 Thanks. And you re right; the two of you would have started a melee. More cell phone
clicks filled the air, and Kennedy was sure there would be a photo in some magazine of her
and Cedric: her in her uniform and him in tight jeans and a black T-shirt, his hand on her
arm. Cedric Davenport seduces barista for free coffee. See page 2 for the juicy details.
She wished she had photos to remember last night, maybe a picture of him slapping his
cock against her mouth. She shook her head to clear it.  I get off in thirty minutes.
 I m going to send them ahead to Diamond Lou s. We saw it on the way in.
 It s a dive.
Cedric gave her his patented smile.  I like dives. Besides, it didn t look too crowded.
His thumb caressed her hand.  I ll go tell them, and then I ll come back in and wait.
He fought his way back through the throng of people, signing more autographs as he
moved. Kennedy turned to her young coworkers, who all stared at her with bright eyes.
Undercover Submission 45
 You know Cedric Davenport? Charity, barely old enough to have a job, fanned
herself with a napkin. Kennedy hoped the girl didn t faint on the spot.
 Yes, she said at the same time Tisha, her thirty-year-old manager, ordered everyone
back to work.
The bell tinkled again and Cedric stepped back inside, looking around, then moving
toward the counter where he took a seat at the bar, Java World s idea of being different from
other boutique coffeehouses. Her coworkers pushed against each other to be the ones to wait
on him. Kennedy took an order from the next person in line, watching as Cedric winked at,
but didn t flirt with, the girls.
The next thirty minutes were torture. Kennedy was painfully aware of Cedric, who
watched her intently even as he chatted with people and signed autographs. Her body was
on fire remembering the way he d made her soar last night. One more scene wouldn t hurt,
would it? One more night as his slave girl, and then she d be done.
As the place slowly emptied, and the hands of the clock crept toward nine, Kennedy
wondered where they would go. Her apartment was clean, but not fancy. Of course, he knew
she was just a woman who had to work for a living and had a car that had just died. Vague
thoughts about the cost of repairs drifted through her mind and she pushed them away.
She d think about it tomorrow.
After closing, she hurried to the back room, checking her makeup and washing her
hands quickly. She dug out the keys and came back to find Cedric talking to Tisha. Seeing
him with the small blonde brought about a spurt of jealousy that Kennedy didn t want. She
tried, and failed, to fight it.
The minute she came out of the back, though, he saw her and his smile brightened. She
walked to him and he held out his hand. She dropped the keys into his palm and he nodded.
46 Melinda Barron
 Tisha, it was nice to meet you. He transferred the keys to his other hand, then
grabbed Kennedy s hand.  You take care.
He led them to the door and out into the warm summer air. In the car, he leaned over
and kissed her cheek.  Have a good day?
 Not really.
 I m sorry. Undo your pants.
The same commanding look he d given her last night was back.  How quickly they
forget. Would you like to try that again?
 I m sorry, Master Cedric. Her hands went to her waistband, quickly unbuttoning and
unzipping. She was so weak.
 Good. Now play with your pussy. I bet it s nice and wet. He started the car and put it
in reverse.
 Yes, Master, it is. Ever since you walked in.
He chuckled deeply.  Good. Now tell me why you ve had a bad day.
 Well, my car died. She moaned softly as her fingers found her clit.
 Pull on that ring. Let me hear you.
 Oh, Master, it feels wonderful. She sighed and moved her hips, a quick, hard orgasm
 I m glad to hear that, my little slave girl. He pulled into the left turn lane and stopped
at a light.  What else happened, besides the car?
 Dealing with grumpy customers. She told him about the kid with the whipped cream
and he laughed.  Sometimes I wonder if it s worth it.
Undercover Submission 47
 Just ignore him. When something like that happens, think about kneeling before me.
About sucking my cock, taking me deep in your throat. Or bending over and spreading your
cheeks, so I can spear that tight asshole.
Kennedy rubbed harder as the image took hold.  Master, may I come?
 You may not. A little denial for forgetting my proper title at first. He pulled into the
parking lot and rubbed her thigh after he parked.  Give it one more good tug, then zip back
 Oh. Her fingers worked the ring; then she slowly withdrew them from her pants.
Only then did she think about someone seeing her as they drove. She d been so intent on
obeying him, so thrilled to be with him, the idea hadn t even crossed her mind.
 Very nice. He shut off the car and turned to her.  You might get to come later, maybe
not. We ll see how you behave.
Her clit pulsed with need.  Yes, Master Cedric.
 Good girl. Wait right there and I ll come open the door for you. Kennedy surveyed
the area. They were in a dark corner of the parking lot, and he d backed in, so her side of the
car faced a wall not too far away. The door opened and she climbed out.
Before she could move off, however, he pinned her to the car, grinding his erection
into her pussy.
 Clean those fingers, Kennedy. Let me see you suck  em.
She obeyed him quickly, tasting her own juices as he watched.
 Good girl. Would you like to suck my cock?
 Yes, Master.
 I ve been hard for you all day. The sound of a zipper going down made her shiver.
Surely he didn t mean here, did he? In the parking lot? True, it was dark; still, anyone could
walk by, and Grace and Toffer were waiting on them.
 Are those fingers clean?
48 Melinda Barron
 Yes, Master. He took her hand and pressed it down his jeans. His cock fit into her
palm and she inhaled sharply.
 Jerk me. She obeyed without question and he stroked her cheek.  So beautifully
submissive, so trusting. Tighter. Harder. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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