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We get dinner passes.
Gilda and I never use them all. Al wanted one for The Right Bank Wilm Bruff's
place. He wanted to
impress her.
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
Bruff's place was where the young filch and the high sariman went. Cost a
bundle of creds. "I'm sure he
"He always wanted to impress her.
"Then what?"
"He said they were going to a FlameTop concert. The rezpopper. He's local,
sings at the Moulin Noir.
"Anything special about the concert?"
"Al said FlameTop had a new reztwist. She told him that. Something that would
make him a big rez star
before long. Luke shook his head again. "Never did understand that rez stuff.
Then, I couldn't keep time
if I had a pro dancer on each elbow.
"Do you know what this twist was?"
"I don't know what it was. Al didn't say.
Asked him a few more questions, but it was clear he'd told me what he knew.
"Know where I could find Tasha? She still live at home?"
"No. Al said she had her own place, with another girl. It's not listed. She
works for one of those comm
outfits the ones that you call up when there's an ad on the net. AnswerQuik, I
"Thanks, Luke. I stood up.
"You think this will help someone?"
"Hope so. Really do.
He nodded, and I left. Poor bastard.
Once I got in the electral, I considered, then linked to the office.
Sarao? Any luck with the trace?
Detrus is out on some assignment. She'll be back in a half hour. So they say.
You want me to try
No. Sansky went by the screen, and then some. Going to track down another
mystery of sorts .
The suicides. Till later . I broke the link. AnswerQuik was in eastside. A
link pulse got me a simmie. I
asked for Tasha Lei.
She's on duty. Might I take a message?
No. I'll try her later.
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Page No 63
If she was on a standard shift, she'd still be there. Wished I knew what I
Took me nearly an hour. Two medvans blocked the ramp to the Elletch Bridge.
Checked the DPS net,
discovered a driver with ebol4 had passed out. Electral stopped safely, but
when DPS patroller saw the
blood everywhere, called in meds and decontamination. Snarled things for a
time. Shuttle would have
been faster, but I couldn't abandon the DPS electral. Might need it later,
Detrus hadn't come back, either. Nothing was going well.
AnswerQuik was in a long building in the complex just barely in eastside, four
klicks north of OldTech.
Had a real guard, behind a double screen. Good two meters of muscle. Some of
it between the ears.
"Looking for Tasha Lei.
"No visitors, ser.
"Lieutenant Chiang, DPS. I just need to talk to her for a few minutes. Pulsed
the official ID and backed
it with the DPS/GIL counter.
"Ah& just a moment, ser. I'll have to check with the supervisor.
I stood there, waiting.
In less than two minutes, a thin-faced woman dark-haired, Korean
gene-back appeared behind the
screen. Didn't look at me, studied the ID and codes. Finally, she looked up.
I smiled. Couldn't hurt.
"Lieutenant& might I ask what interest you have in Tasha?"
She could ask. I didn't have to answer, but there was no reason not to.
"She's in no trouble. Not yet, anyway. "She might have been a witness to
something. DPS wants to
know if what she saw& if she saw anything.
"That's what you all say.
I smiled again. "I'd still like to talk to her.
"We can't stop you, Lieutenant. I hope you'll be kind. It's been hard on
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ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
"I hope so. You can use the job interview room. It's the door on the left
there. She'll be out in a
Walked over and opened the door. The room wasn't more than three meters square
with three chairs
and a side table next to the wall. Didn't sit down.
A woman walked in black hair, piercing green eyes with the slightest tilt to
them, a touch of dark
bronze to her skin. Small, but very alive. Could see why young Al had been
hooked. Couldn't see why
Luke didn't like her.
"Lieutenant? I'm Tasha Lei.
"I know your father. Gestured to the chairs.
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