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Dont Leave It to Chance
Politicians make a science out of Tracking. They keep a little black
box either on their desk, in their computer, or in their brain of the last
concern, enthusiasm, or event discussed with everyone in their life. They
keep track of where the people were, what they said, and what they were
doing since the last conversation. Then the first words of the next phone
call or meeting with that person relates to that information:
Hello, Joe. How was your trip to Jamaica? Hey Sam, did your kid
make the baseball team? Hi, Sally. Have you heard back from your client
yet? Nice to hear from you, Bob. It means you survived that
Szechuan restaurant you were going to last time we spoke.
How to Make Em Feel Like a Movie Star 283
When you invoke the last major or minor event in anyones life, it
confirms what theyve known all along. Theyre the most important person
in the world.
One of the most powerful forms of tracking is remembering
anniversaries of peoples personal achievements. Did your boss get
promoted to her present position one year ago today? Did your client go
public? How much more memorable than a birthday card to send a one-
year congratulations note.
Remembering peoples private passions is another. Several years ago,
I wrote regularly for a magazine. My then-editor, Carie, was obsessed
with her new kitten named Cookie. Recently I ran into Carrie at a writers
conference. In early conversation I said to her, I guess Cookies a full-
grown cat by now. How is she?
Carries astonished smile was my reward.
Leil, she squealed, I cant believe you remember Cookie. Yes, shes
fine now and . . . Carrie went on for another ten miutes about Cookie, the
now full-grown cat.
Technique #75
Like an air-traffic controller, track the tiniest details of your
conversation partners lives. Refer to them in your conversation like a
major news story. It creates a poweful sense of intimacy.
When you invoke the last major or minor event in anyones life, it
confirms the deep conviction that he or she is an old-style hero around
whom the world revolves. And people love you for recognizing their
A week later I got a call from Carrie asking me if Id do a big story for
her magazine. Did she think of me because I used the Tracking technique
and remembered Cookie? Nobody can say, but I have my suspicions. Ive
seen the Tracking technique work on too many people to assume the
rewards are coincidental.
How do politicians remember so many facts to track about so many
people? They use the following technique.
How to Amaze Them with What You Remember About Them
Several years ago, I attended a political fund-raising event in a
Midwestern state. One guest intrigued me. Sometimes Id see him in
animated conversation with several people. Other times, hed be standing
alone scribbling something on a card in his hand. Then the next time Id
look up, hed be chatting it up with somone else. The next minute, hed be
scribbling in his hand again. He repeated this pattern for over an hour. I
became as curious as a nosy neighbor. Who was this fellow?
At one point during the evening, I was standing alone by the
refreshment table. He came up to me with a big smile, a warm handshake,
and introduced himself. Hi, Im Joe Smith. He asked me what I was
drinking. I told him white wine and we started dicussing preferences. I
happened to mention my favorite white was Sancerre. While we talked, I
had to bite my tongue to resist asing him what hed been up to with the
feverish note taking.
A few minutes later, I spotted a friend across the room and excused
myself. He asked for my card and, as I walked away, I peeked over my
shoulder. I knew it! There he was, scribbling on my card. That was my
opening. I turned back and, trying to pass my inquiry off as a joke, said,
Hey, I didnt give you my meaurements. Whats that youre writing?
He gave a hearty laugh at my tasteless joke and said, You caught me!
He turned over my card and I saw one word written on it: Sancerre. Then,
to assuage my paranoia, he emptied his pocketful of peoples business
cards to show me scribbles on the back of each. I assumed it was just Joes
little system to help him remember people. It wasnt until months later
that I saw the method to his madness.
One morning I went to my mailbox and found a personal postcard
from Joe. He told me he was running for state senator. Then at the bottom
of the card, hed written, Had any good Sancerre lately? That won my
heart. Had I lived in his state, a litle touch like that might have swayed
my vote to him.
They may not jump up and down asking, How did you remember that?
Nevertheless, they will remember you. No matter how important the VIP,
he or she senses a special kinship
Technique #76
The Business Card Dossier
Right after youve talked to someone at a party, take out your pen. On
the back of his or her business card write notes to remind you of the
conversation: his favorite restaurant, sport, movie, or drink; whom she
admires, where she grew up, a high school honor; or maybe a joke he
In your next communication, toss off a reference to the favorite
restaurant, sport, movie, drink, hometown, high school honor. Or reprieve
the laugh over the great joke.
How to Amaze Them with What You Remember About Them 287
with the person who refers to other than their usual well-known
Politicians are constantly selling themselves. (If youve ever wondered
why America is called The Land of Promise, just keep your ears open in
election year.) But, of course, to know what to promise people, politicians
use the next super sales technique called Eyeball Selling.
How to Make the Sale with Your Eyeballs
The percentage of sales that Jimmi, a good friend of mine, makes is
not to be believed. Even his sales manager doesnt know how he does it.
But I do. Because he told me.
Jimmi says the fancy sales techniques hes learned over the years
(Benefits Selling, Partnering, Selling to Personality Types, Value-Added
Concept, Rejection Proofing, Spin Selling) all pale next to what he calls
Eyeball Selling.
Eyeball Selling is not memorizing two dozen closing tecniques. Nor
is it verbally sparring with a customer to overcome objections. Jimmi
says its quite simply keeping his eyes open, watching his customers [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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