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fine, though. Just let him have his tantrum, and he ll get over it.
Logan snarled. The man obviously knew nothing about his cousin.
Keeton wasn t throwing a tantrum. He was scared for himself and for
the people he loved. He was miserable because he felt useless,
powerless, and helpless. Logan could feel all of those emotions
pouring into him from his lover.
Get the fuck out of my way. You know nothing about him.
Blaise looked shocked for a moment before anger darkened his
features. Nodding curtly, he sidestepped to let Logan pass by him.
Logan ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and paused
outside the closed door to his and Keeton s bedroom. He turned the
handle, surprised to find it locked.
Keeton, open the door, he said softly. Please, don t shut me
By the Light of the Moon 129
No movement sounded from the bedroom. Logan rested his
forehead against the cool wood and closed his eyes. Come on, angel,
open the door. We don t even have to talk. I just want to hold you,
he coaxed. Please, just let me hold you.
Finally, there were sounds of movement and the metallic click as
the lock disengaged. He waited a moment, then eased open the door
when it remained closed.
Keeton lay in the middle of the bed with his face buried in a
pillow. His small body shook, but no sounds escaped him. Walking to
the bed and sliding in beside his mate, he pulled Keeton to him
without a word.
Keeton clung to him, sniffing and sobbing against his chest.
Logan had never heard anything more heartbreaking. I m so sorry,
angel, he whispered into Keeton s hair.
Keeton shook his head slightly. It s not your fault. I m just being
a big wimp.
Recalling Blaise s words, Logan gently extracted himself from
Keeton s hold and tilted his face up to look into his eyes. You have
every right to your feelings. Anyone would be upset and afraid.
These, Logan brushed away Keeton s tears with his fingertips,
don t make me think any less of you.
Keeton gave him a watery smile and sniffled. I bet I look awful.
He rubbed under his eyes with his fingertips, frowning when they
came away wet and smudged. My eyeliner is all smeared. He
sniffed loudly. And my nose is running like a horse in labor.
Wrinkling his nose at the mental image of a horse running while
in labor, Logan opened his mouth to question the strange analogy.
Before he could respond, however, there was a soft knock on the
door. Blaise stood in the open doorway with his head hung, looking
guilty and ashamed.
Hey, he said weakly, still staring at his knees. Then he looked
up and focused his gaze on Keeton. I m sorry, man.
Keeton didn t ask why. He didn t say anything. He just turned to
130 Gabrielle Evans
Blaise, nodded, and opened his arms. Smiling sheepishly, Blaise
hurried to the bed to throw his arms around his cousin. We re going
to figure this out, Keeton. I promise. I won t let anything happen to
Logan grinned and rose from the bed to finish getting ready for
work. He knew that Blaise and Keeton were close, and he was glad
they could work things out.
And I promise I won t let anything happen to Logan or Braxton,
or anyone else, Blaise continued. I m sorry that I treat you like a kid
sometimes. I just worry about you, ya know?
Logan looked over to see Keeton smiling. It looked good on him,
and Logan hadn t seen it near enough of over the last few days.
We re good, Blaise. Don t worry. I ll be fine. All this, Keeton
waved his hands vaguely around the room, it just gets a little
overwhelming sometimes. He shot Logan a glance full of love and
tenderness. But it s all worth it.
Logan swallowed around the sudden tightening of his throat and
turned away from Keeton so his lover wouldn t see the moisture in his
eyes. All he had ever wanted was for someone to look at him the way
Keeton did as if he had hung the stars and roped the moon.
Logan knew he loved Keeton, but until that moment, he had not
realized how much he needed him. Keeton had wormed his way into
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