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Trace laughed as they strode down the hall and hooked his arm around her shoulder. You
got it.
Meet anyone lately? Lisa never asked if he met any girls. She knew, and yet she never
said anything.
Trace smiled and winked. I ll never tell.
See you on the floor, Doctor Williams.
Sure. Trace entered the doctor s lounge and stowed his belongings in a locker. At least he
hadn t filled in for the full twenty-hour shift. He was thankful he no longer worked ER full time.
The schedule sucked, and he d never have a chance of finding a great guy. It seemed like when
he worked in the emergency room only, sick people and idiots wound up in the ER, not
exceedingly handsome men who were deep in the closet like the stranger he d been thinking
about all night long.
Aiden stepped out of the car and waved the driver off. There was no attraction, no
mysterious magnetism with his dick plumping up in the guy s presence. It was all so confusing.
Hell, he d spent the day in the company of a couple of great looking guys who worked out like
he did, their bodies finely tuned for performance, and he hadn t wanted to touch or blow any of
Aiden pulled on his running clothes and cross trainers, grabbed his keys and left his house.
He would jog off his frustration and turn this strange sexual energy into muscles and strength.
The run this morning had been great, keeping him stable throughout the day. Jogging more
would be great for his physical stamina. Sure, his last assignment had been a cakewalk, but soon
he d have to do some reconnaissance in the mountains or be a tail on some mission in the forests
of Europe. Anything could come his way, working this job he loved.
The streets were packed as he headed into Rock Creek Park. A light wind blew, cooling his
body as he ran, trying his best to get into the zone. Thoughts of Chuck surfaced over and over
again, and just when he thought he had control of the situation, he thought of the doctor, Trace
Williams. Shit, why did he have to think of guys? He needed to call Sue. Sue would take his
mind off of sex with guys.
The path was packed with joggers and other people trying to get in some exercise. As the
sun began to set, the joggers were fewer. Safety in the park was an issue, and he didn t blame
people for wanting to flee the darkness before the creeps came out to play. Under the trees, the
path grew darker. Jogging at night wasn t a problem for him since he d regularly jogged in the
dark during military training. There was enough moonlight filtering through the trees,
illuminating the path, to allow him to read his surroundings.
Going home because it was dark would be a mistake. He needed the exhaustion to push him
into sleep. Insane notions tumbling through his head would only get him into trouble. He picked
up the pace, racing around the bend to a particularly dark area where the trees grew thick. He d
cleared his mind, thinking only of the crunch of leaves underneath his shoes and the flex of his
muscles as he ran. The scream startled him. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Aiden
stopped running, his senses on high alert.
The scream sounded again to his right. As Aiden Jackson, playing the hero wasn t his style.
He was the quiet, unassuming one who went through life being as invisible as possible. Not that
he didn t have a life, but staying out of the limelight was key to being a successful agent. The
scream pulled at his conscience and demanded action.
Aiden raced through the trees, moving closer to the sound of limbs breaking and anguished
groans. He saw two shadows moving together, fists being thrown by one, the other blocking as
best they cold. The small figure fell to the ground as Aiden broke through the last of the trees
into the clearing. Without thinking he one-punched the attacker, sending him reeling into the
The guy came at him and Aiden jumped, sending a snap kick into the guy s jaw, knocking
him to the ground. Aiden picked up the victim, a small woman, tucking her close to his chest. He
ran the way he d come from, praying he could escape. There was a road in about fifty yards
through the trees--Someone would stop.
The flash of car lights broke through the trees then disappeared. Aiden didn t care if tree
limbs slapped him in the face, or if the skin on his arms tore as he raced through the woods, he
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