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blood and smoke; he tried to grasp the memory but it floated out of
reach, disappearing into the deeper recesses of his mind.
He eyed his surroundings with a careful gaze. The wind blew
stronger, each gust sending whispers through the ancient oaks,
rattling their dangling leaves. Even in the moonlight, it all looked so
familiar to him. He d been here before. And then it hit him like a
sledgehammer out of nowhere. Gabrielle s woods. Somehow he was
back in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, back on
Gabrielle s mountain in the dead of night & but how and why?
His vision blurred, dizziness overcame him. He staggered, closing
his eyes tightly. When he opened them, the landscape was different,
changed. He was in a parking lot of a warehouse he d never seen;
several warehouses, in fact. One of those places that provided storage
for a monthly fee, he thought. But why in the hell was he here?
He now realized he was dreaming, but he couldn t seem to shake
himself awake. He stiffened in surprise when he saw Gabrielle running
out of the darkness toward one of the warehouses. That was
impossible. Gabrielle was with him in New Orleans. But the dream
was so real, so vivid, he could smell the scent of fear emanating from
A cold edge of fear sliced through Preston at the terror he saw in
her features. Uncertainty assailed him & what if it wasn t a dream?
Panic clawed at him. She was in trouble. He had to help her. But when
he tried to move, he found he couldn t. He was frozen, helpless to save
her from the unknown menace stalking her. She didn t see him as she
ran inside one of the buildings.
The sight of his brother slipping soundlessly through the night,
making his unerring way into the same warehouse, made Preston s
blood freeze in his veins.
Dear God, Preston had to get free had to save her before it was
too late. He tried to shout a warning, but it caught in his throat. He
struggled wildly against the ever-tightening invisible bounds that held
him prisoner.
 Please someone & help her, Preston moaned, tears of
frustration and despair blinding him as he thrashed about.
A scream tore through the building. His head jerked upright, his
body stiffening. The sound sheared a nerve along his spine.
Gabrielle, he thought & no, he didn t think it. He shouted it at the
top of his voice, his throat finally unlocked. The agonized sound
crashed through the night air, rebounding off the metal walls of the
box-like structures.
* * *
 No, No, Nooo & 
Preston jerked upright, breathing in great gulps of air. He could feel
the wetness of sweat that layered his brow. He blinked, bewildered, in
the bright light of day filtering in through the bedroom window. The
events of his dream came washing back in on him, flooding his mind
with images and places.
The thought of her drove him out of bed. She was downstairs
sleeping, he tried to reassure himself. It didn t work. Something was
wrong, he knew it.
He just couldn t put his finger on what it was. He tried to shake off
the mood, but even after showering and dressing, it remained.
Suddenly filled with a sensation of urgency, Preston hurried
downstairs to the door in the hallway that led to the basement.
Gabrielle had to be there.
When he slammed into the basement, Debra looked up in startled
surprise while Artimus continued his repetitive whittling.  Why, hello,
I was beginning to wonder if you planned on sleeping the day away.
He shot Debra a look of incomprehension.  It can t be that late.
She shot back a wry smile.  It s four o clock in the afternoon.
He rubbed his frowning forehead.  I didn t realize it was so late. I
know it s strange, but I don t even remember falling asleep last night.
Where s Gabrielle?
She glanced away with a guilty look on her face.  I don t know.
He grasped her by the shoulders, turning her to him.  What are you
hiding from me?
 Young man, if you will please take your hands off her, mayhap I
can help you, Artimus ventured in a cracked voice.
Preston released Debra and looked down at Artimus. He was
already looking much better than the last time Preston had seen him.
 Talk fast, old man. Where is Gabrielle?
 I can t tell you, I gave my word. But I can tell you why she left.
 Tell me! Preston demanded between clenched teeth. He felt like
throttling the elderly man, but restrained the impulse. It would do no
good to take his anger out on Artimus. His heart beat erratically and a
sense of dread filled him as he waited for Artimus to speak.
 She left you, my son, to spare you any further unhappiness.
 She what? Preston stared at the old man, incredulous disbelief
welling up inside him.  Are you insane? She is what makes me happy.
Why in God s name would she leave me to make me happy? I don t
understand a damn thing you re saying.
The one-time priest sighed heavily.  When you were Damon, she [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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