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so that she straddled Dai, her swollen pussy just brushing the head of his cock. She
Anya Bast
pushed her hips down, trying to slip him within her. Nico and Dai s hands went to her
hips and together they guided her movements until his cock slid within.
And in, and in, and in& Soon she was seated on his pelvis, with the entire thick
length of his cock thrust up within her as far as it would go.
Yes, she breathed as his length and width filled her. She closed her eyes and
pressed down, pushing him within to the hilt. It felt right to have him inside her. It
would feel even better to have them both possessing her in tandem.
Dai groaned and closed his eyes. He brushed her hair back from her shoulders. Ah
Twyla. You feel so delicious around me. I ll never grow tired of your beautiful body.
Nico covered her back, scattering kisses on her shoulders and the nape of her neck.
His warm flesh teased her sensitive body. He touched her buttocks with a lubricated
hand. Are you sure? he murmured.
She dropped her head down to kiss Dai, which brought her ass up enough to give
Nico access. Fill me, she panted. Fill me up with both of you. Fill me up with love.
Fill me to cover over the memory of terror and replace it with one of pleasure and
passion. Fill me, Nico.
Nico pressed a finger into her anus, then two, widening her. She bit her lip at the
feel of her muscles stretching to accommodate the invasion. At the same time, Dai lifted
her up just a bit to give himself room to move. He thrust his cock in and out of her so
slowly she thought she d die.
Does it hurt? asked Nico.
She shook her head. There was a slight pain, but it was actually arousing. It made
the pleasure so much more pronounced. Nico s cock pressed at her nether hole, circled
it, and then entered. She gasped and almost pulled away. Both Dai and Nico held her
hips in place.
It is just the head that will hurt, love, Nico murmured. Once we get past the
crown, it will not pain you much. On the contrary, there will be only pleasure. He
pushed the rest of the way in and, indeed, it was true it was not so painful when it was
the shaft that breached and stretched the tight muscles of her anus.
She moaned as the men started to love her slowly& so very, very slowly, both
attuned to the other s pace. Dai watched her face carefully, monitoring the play of
emotion and pleasure.
Nico brushed his lips across the crown of her head and then dropped his mouth to
her bare shoulder. Are you all right, love? he murmured.
Magick skittered across her skin, trying to find a way in. It brushed over her breasts
and thighs, making her shiver. That, combined with the gentle, mind-blowing glide of
the cocks of the two men she loved was enough to set her teeth into her bottom lip. She
whimpered in pleasure and nodded.
Dai shifted his hips a little so the tip of his cock paid special attention to the spot
within her that felt so very good when it was rubbed. So sweet, so tight, groaned Dai.
You are perfection, Twyla.
She released her lip. Do you feel that? The magick?
Nico kissed the curve of her shoulder. Yes, love. It s your magick trying to return
to you. If you allow it in, we can complete this ritual. Your magick needs to be home
before it can join with ours.
Allow it, Twyla, murmured Dai.
She closed her eyes, concentrating on the magick smoothing its way over her skin.
The image came unbidden. Perhaps it was instinct. Either way, she imagined a door in
the center of her chest. She opened the door and pushed out all of the fear and terror
and rage and let her magick flow into her. She gasped as it filled her up, setting around
her heart and infusing her mind with powerful intelligence. It felt silky, warm and
comforting. Twyla opened her eyes, knowing she d finally regained the part of her that
had been lost. The part that had been stolen from her so long ago on a dark night when
hatred had reigned.
Dai and Nico both groaned loud and low. Thank the Gods, Dai murmured.
Good girl, love, said Nico as he dropped a kiss to her ear. Now, are you ready?
For what?
They didn t answer her. Instead, their pace quickened. Faster and harder they
thrust. Twyla curled her fingers into the blanket on either side of Dai and hung on.
They shafted her in tandem now, each perfectly attuned to the other s movements,
driving her toward another climax that would shatter her world. Twyla felt a scream
building in her throat.
Being so filled this way, having Dai pistoning in and out of her pussy, and Nico
filling her anus, it was almost too much to take. Too much sensation for her body to
handle at one time. It was heaven and it was hell all at once.
She dropped her head down on a moan. Her hair fell over Dai s shoulder. He put
his mouth to her ear. You re so hot, Twyla. You re so hot and sweet and tight. We re so
close. We just need to hear you cry out your pleasure. Come for us, my love& my
beauty. Scream out your climax.
Her climax ripped through her and she screamed. Waves of intense pleasure racked
her body, making her knees go weak and blackening her vision. It stole all her thought,
her muscle control and almost stole her consciousness.
Dai groaned as he released a hot jet of come into her. Nico did likewise, thrusting as
far into her as he could and letting loose.
Twyla s head snapped back as a thread of her magick exploded upward from her
chest, drawing another scream from her. Dai and Nico also cried out as their magick left
them. She could feel it around them, curling through the air and snaking around each
other as the tendrils melded. She couldn t see it, but she could sense it with everything
Anya Bast
she was. The threads of magicks were like three great and powerful beasts scenting
each other and deciding to mate.
Finally, the magick sped straight upward. Nico and Dai moved, toppling them all
onto the blankets in a tangle. They watched as the magick seemed to explode in a
brilliant flash of white in the sky above them. The grayness over their heads broke and
light poured through it. The crack grew larger and larger until the entire sky was
consumed with daylight.
Sweet& Twyla breathed. Sweet Kingdom.
Finally our magick had joined with the magicks of the other triads, said Nico. He
breathed out slowly. It s done.
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