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everywhere. Who were those voices that guided Joan of the test of time and world politics. The devastation of post-
Arc? Gilles de Rais, one of her most trusted lieutenants, holocaust Europe provides an eerie background with high-
was in reality a sadistic child molester who practiced tech barbarians charging about in the form of ruthless
Satanism and indulged in torture-murders as a hobby. It is marauder bands. The characters could be soldiers who now
during this time that the Sabbat wars are at their fiercest. find themselves Vampires. This is a chance to introduce
Again, the same research techniques that were used for the some techno-thriller elements, especially if their Vampiric
Victorian Chronicle can be used here. condition was the result of a biological warfare weapon
rather than the more traditional Embrace. How would
The Renaissance - If you want a Chronicle filled with
other Kindred
intrigue and Machiavellian plottings, what better time than
regard them? Will they ever make it back home? Do they
that of Machiavelli himself? It was a period of rebirth for
even want to? Was the nuclear war the result of human
the arts and sciences, so the Toreador Clan would probably
stupidity or has Gehenna truly arrived?
figure prominently in the proceedings. The first Conclave
of the Inner Circle of the Camarilla was held at this time in CyberFang - It's a grim future out there, folks. It's hard to
Venice. Why was it called? What was the problem? What tell the real Vampires from the biosculpted ones. R.
were the consequences? The themes of corruption and Talsorian Games has created a vision of a dark future with
decadence would fit in quite well here. An entire Chronicle their Cyberpunk 2020 game. The background is well
could be based around the rise of Clan Giovanni. fleshed out and easily adaptable, especially to a "Lords of
the City" style of Chronicle. The Night City Sourcebook is
The Terror That Was Paris - Paris during the French
an excellent example of a Cyberpunk-style city. Besides,
Revolution can provide an excellent setting for a Chronicle
choomba, if you think the Inquisition is bad news, just
that combines both action and intrigue. The Anarchs and
think of what it would be like having a major
the Sabbat are battling it out for control of the streets. The
megacorporation gunning for your undead butt!
Camarilla are trying desperately t o preserve their existence
Well, there you have it. Remember, the key to creating a
while being hunted by both sides. Perhaps the characters
good alternate setting for your Chronicle is research. It's
are a group of Kindred who are trying to smuggle their
the little details which help give your setting a life of its
Elders out of Paris as in The Scarlet Pimpernel. The
own. It's the little things that help build and maintain the
Marquis de Sade was active at this time - who knows what
internal consistency that is so necessary to hold everything
strange and diabolical plots this twisted madman may be
else together. It pays off in enjoyment for you and your
up to? All in all, a time of great excitement and
players. After all, isn't that what we are here for?
revolutionary fervor.
The Second World War: The Really Untold Story -
The Nazis have occupied Europe. What was the Kindred
Organizing Downtime
response? Some may have aided Hitler and his cronies
The unlives of Vampires can last many thousands of years,
while others fought against them. Most probably tried to
spanning periods of intense action and complete inactivity.
avoid the whole thing and enjoy the opportunity to feast
Even though few Chronicles last a similar amount of time,
freely. An interesting setting in this period would be
periods still occur when the players may find their
Vienna, Austria, the home base of Clan Tremere. It also has
characters' actions boring. Known as downtime, these are
a Founda tion house of the Arcanum there as well. What if
the essential yet less interesting parts of roleplaying. One
elements of the Gestapo coerced members of the Arcanum
cannot play out every moment of the character's unlife, yet
into helping them try to prove the existence of Vampires?
that unlife goes on. Events during these periods of stability
Think of the possibilities there. Imagine what kind of
are the essence of most normal people's lives, yet they are
hunters the Gestapo would make. Here's another tidbit:
anathema to the roleplayer who always wants her character
the Nazis developed "Operation Werewolf," allegedly a
to be involved in interesting and exciting events.
guerrilla movement. What if there was another part of
"Operation Werewolf" with a much more sinister meaning?
Thus, to facilitate the inclusion of "real life" in a Chronicle
without boring both Storyteller and player, we have
The next couple of Chronicle ideas use background
included a section on events going on during downtime.
material from other roleplaying games. There are some
This has been divided into background changes and story
advantages to this. First of all, there's a very good chance
threads. While characters' Backgrounds should not change
that either the Storyteller or at least one of the players will
during downtime (anything that important should be the
have access to the material. Second, several of the Players
result of an adventure into which the players have input),
may already be familiar with the background, which saves
forces of time and coincidence can affect them and the
a great deal of time in the initial setup phase. Last, but not
characters' abilities to use them.
least, a lot of this material is just downright interesting.
The following charts have greatest impact during periods
The Deepest Darkness - It is the 1920s and the Players
of extended downtime - generally more than a month's [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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