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of people *;N459 ?;0BOB) / 70?;0B8BL principle ?@8=F8? (in principle 2 restaurant @5AB>@0=
of time *2@5
office >D8A people *;N48 (of people *;N459) priority ?@8>@8B5B revolution @52>;NF8O
often G0AB> person / man *G5;>25: productive ?@>4C:B82=K9 rewrite, to ?5@5?8A0BL (concrete)
old AB0@K9 Petersburg 5B5@1C@3 productively ?@>4C:B82=> rice @8A
old-fashioned AB0@>4=K9 petrol 15=78= professional (adj.) *?@>D5AA8>=0;L=K9 right ?@02 (?@020, ?@02K)
on / at =0 (+ location) photocopy D>B>:>?8O programme ?@>3@0
on to / to (motion) =0 (+ whom / what sit.) photograph D>B>3@0D8O programme *?@>3@0
on the way 2?CB8 phrase D@070 progress ?@>3@5AA (they made progress C risk, to *@8A:>20BL (general) (-:CN,
once a day (>48=) @07 2 45=L picnic ?8:=8: =8E ?@>3@5AA) -:C5B5, -:CNB)
once a week (>48=) @07 2 =545;N piece, slice :CA>: (pl. *:CA:8) progressive *?@>3@5AA82=K9 room *:>
one >48= (>4=0, >4=>, >4=8) pilot ?8;>B project ?@>5:B room (in a hotel) =>
One moment! 4=C 5, -:85) punctual ?C=:BC0;L=K9 route
); it s a great pity! quick *1KAB@K9: Be quick! *KAB@55! / route taxi / minibus
one more time / once again 5IQ (>48=) OG5=L 60;L (60;:>)! *!:>@55! (5 B0:A8)
@07 pizza ?8FF0 quicker / faster *1KAB@55 rush, to be in a / hurry A?5H8BL
one more / another (yet one) 5IQ >48= plan ?;0= quickly 1KAB@> (-verb) (the watch is fast G0AK
one should (shouldn t) (=5) =04> / =C6=> plane (airplane) A0;QB radio @048> (unchangeable) A?5H0B)
one thing >4=> platform ?;0BD>@:70; (at the station =0 rush hour *G0A ?8:
only / just B>;L:> please / not at all / you re welcome 2>:70;5) Russia >AA8O
opera >?5@0 ?>60;C9AB0 rain 4>64L (masc.); it s raining *84QB Russian (in Russian / the Russian way)
opposition >??>78F8O police (in Russia) 64L ?>-@CAA:8
optimist *>?B8;8B8:0 read, to G8B0BL / ?@>G8B0BL: be read, to Russian (of Russia) *@>AA89A:89 (-:0O,
or 8;8 political ?>;8B8G5A:89 (-:0O, -:>5, -:85) *G8B0BLAO -:>5, -:85)
order / book, to *70:07K20BL / 70:070BL politician *?>;8B8: reader G8B0B5;L Russian (Russian language) @CAA:89
others 4@C385 (I feel) poorly x> ready 3>B>2 (-20, -2>, -2K) (-:0O, -:>5, -:85)
our =0H, =0H0, =0H5, =0H8 popular ?>?C;O@=K9 Really? @0240? Russian orthodox *?@02>A;02=K9
ourselves (all by ourselves) A08BL Russians @CAA:85
outside =0 C;8F5 portion ?>@F8O recommend, to @5:>20BL (-4CN, rye bread *GQ@=K9 E;51
salad A0;0B shower 4CH the earlier, the better G5
student ABC45=B (fem. ABC45=B:0)
68 69
salt A>;L (fem.) Siberia !818@L (fem.) ;CGH5
study, learn *87CG0BL (-verb)
salty / salted *A>;Q=K9 situated, to be *=0x>48BLAO the most A0
style AB8;L (masc.)
samovar A020@ sister A5AB@0 theatre B50B@
such (+ adj.) *B0:>9, B0:0O, B0:>5, B0:85
sandwich 1CB5@1@>4 (I feel) sick x> theatre programme *?@>3@0
sugar A0E0@
Saturday AC11>B0 (on Saturday 2 sleep, to *A?0BL (general) (-verb) (A?;N, their / theirs 8E
(this) suits me *MB> 4E>48B
AC11>BC) A?8B5, A?OB) them 8E
(this) suits you (about looks) *-B> 20
sausage / salami *:>;10A0 smoke, to :C@8BL (general) (-verb) themselves (all by themselves) A0
say, to 3>2>@8BL / A:070BL snow A=53; it s snowing *84QB A=53 then (at that time / in that case) *B>340
summer resident 40G=8:
saying *?>3>2>@:0 so / this way B0: then (later) ?>B>
supermarket AC?5@
school H:>;0 Sochi !>G8 there B0
supper C68=
school (adj.) *H:>;L=K9 some people >4=8 there (motion) BC40
surgery / polyclinic *?>;8:;8=8:0
school pupil *H:>;L=8: soon A:>@> there is / there are 5ABL
surname D0
sculpture A:C;L?BC@0 sooner or later @0=> 8;8 ?>74=> there is no =5B
sweets / chocolates :>=D5BK
sea @5 sooner / Be quick! *A:>@55 these (ones) MB8
switch to familiar terms, to ?5@5E>48BL /
sea view *284 =0 @5 sorry 8728=8B5; I am very sorry =8
?5@59B8 =0 BK
secret (adj.) *A5:@5B=K9 >G5=L 60;L they have C =8E (5ABL)
talk 3>2>@8BL / ?>3>2>@8BL
secret A5:@5B soup AC? they say 3>2>@OB
taste 2:CA
secretary A5:@5B0@L (masc.) souvenir AC25=8@ thing (to do) 45;>
tasteless (dull) 1572:CA=K9
see, to 2845BL / C2845BL ( verb) (286C, Soviet Union !>25BA:89 !>N7 think, to 4C4C
tastier / more delicious *2:CA=55
2848B5, 284OB) speak (talk), to 3>2>@8BL / ?>3>2>@8BL this (one) MB>B, MB0, MB>
tasty / delicious 2:CA=K9
see / visit friends, to 84B8 / E>48BL 2 speak English 3>2>@8BL ?>-0=3;89A:8 this is (these are) MB>
taxi B0:A8 (unchangeable)
3>AB8 speak Russian 3>2>@8BL ?>-@CAA:8 this time *=0 MB>B @07
tea G09
see each other, to 2845BLAO (60;C9AB0.
technical B5E=8G5A:89 (-:0O, -:>5, -:85)
2848=8 speciality (profession) *A?5F80;L=>ABL those B5
technology B5E=>;>38O (pl. B5E=>;>388)
284OBAO)/ C2845BLAO (fem.) three B@8
telephone B5;5D>=
See you tomorrow! #2848@BA
telephone number =>=0
self-made / homemade A045;L=K9 sportswoman A?>@BA
television B5;5287>@
sell, to ?@>4020BL (-40N, -40QB5, -40NB) / sporty / sporting / sports (adj.) time 2@5
tell (say), to 3>2>@8BL / A:070BL
?@>40BL (-40@B82=K9 time, occasion @07
tell: they told me
sold *?@>4020BLAO (general) sputnik / travel companion A?CB=8: time goes by 2@5
temperature B5
(?@>40QBAO, ?@>40NBcO) square ?;>I04L (fem.) (in the square =0 time will tell 2@5:065B
temporarily 2@5
serious A5@LQ7=K9 ?;>I048) tired of CAB0; (-;0, -;8) *>B (+ of sit.)
temporary 2@5
seven A5
terrorism B5@@>@87
she >=0 still / so far 5IQ / ?>:0 To (our) meeting! 0 2AB@5GC!
than G5
she has C =5Q (5ABL) story *@0AA:07 to each other 4@C3 4@C3C
Thank God! !;020 1>3C!
she is not here / in 5Q =5B straight *?@O9 to her 59
thank you very much / many thanks
1>;LH>5 A?0A81>
shop assistant ?@>4025F (pl. ?@>402FK) strange (adj.) AB@0==K9 to me
thanks for A?0A81> 70
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