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after years of flaunting their empty ego, they still do not realize that it is misleading them. In fact, they
are too proud to notice how proud they are. The worst kind of pride is the kind that blinds you from
seeing your own vanity APEL Truth.044
Success is a choice APEL Truth.045 If you become successful accidentally, by winning or inheriting
or through some other fortunate thing, you will soon be unsuccessful, unless you learn to stay successful.
Success is maintained by the same skill with which you attained it APEL Truth.046
Statistics have shown that most of the people who win huge amounts in a lottery end up losing
most, if not all the money. Why? Success is a habit APEL Truth.047
So take my word for it: you do not need education for this method to work for you. I had a student
who took my classes who did not go far in school. He was a carpenter, because that is the best he could
do in life; he did not have a million choices to pick from. He was very committed, attended every class,
and paid his fees on time. It must have been half his weekly wages, but I had more respect for him
than the smart-mouthed yuppie with a fancy car and a big cell phone.
Of all the students I had, the less educated had the most respect for my principles and were very
committed to their goals. You can argue that they looked up to me and did not have much experience
with which to challenge me. I can live with that, but they succeeded and exceeded the supposedly
'educated and prone-to-success elite' unfortunately it also stands that the former were less able to
fund themselves through the course the course used to run for about six months and in those days
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they paid R100 R200 a month. Most people just do not have a spare R600 or R1200 .
It always hurt me when somebody dropped out because he or she did not have money, but when
one dropped out because of laziness, I did not complain. I would rather have a student who cannot
afford to pay, but is willing to work, than one who can afford to pay, but is lazy.
$10 to $20
$60 to $120
APEL: You Can Learn to Sing © ICMA 1995 2003
helpdesk@voicetraining.biz http://www.voicetraining.biz
This is the most common excuse. People seem to think that you have to be born with it in order to
succeed at it. No. I was not born with it, and I succeed at it. If you were not born with it I can show
you how to succeed. Believe me, I WAS THERE!
I learned a lot when I was teaching singing those thirteen years or so. I found out that of my students,
the ones that came to me just to put some finishing touches on their voices where the most pitiable. They
did not make it. They came to me already molded, and they wanted me to add another mold, which
would mold their mold into perfection. Sorry! I cannot mold I have carved shapes with a sharp
instrument. Usually the results are a total remake of the original.
You cannot mold a shape which exists and is already dry. However, you can take a chisel and a
hammer and chop it up and down until it becomes smooth. When you carve somebody's voice, you
will not produce an image similar to the rough original image. It is impossible and it is not necessary. In
the end, the sculpture is at the mercy of the shape of the raw wood as much as it is at the mercy of the
sculptor APEL Truth.048
I do not want you to sound like me; I do not want to sound like somebody else. Therefore, I do not
want to mold you. Molding produces identical images, carving produces creative images APEL
Truth.049 If singers all sounded the same, you would not need to listen to all of them, you would only
need to listen to one good representation of them all and you would be satisfied that you have heard
them all. This is sometimes how I feel when I watch TV, sometimes I cannot tell the some of the new
teen singers apart, never mind the songs some of it all sounds the same.
Do you not wonder why people never stop going to art the galleries? They are going to see the
same colors most artists use less than 256 colors on their paintings. Blue is blue, green is green; there
is no question about it. However, it is their strokes and combination of the colors that make a creation,
and no matter how well you know all the colors, you will always want to see one more combination of
those same colors.
Your bad voice is like a log of timbre found in the bush by a carpenter he looks at it, and sees
many possibilities. If your voice is perfect, or near perfect, it cannot not be carved into anything
creative. Maybe we can try, and end up with something monotonous. The best would be to chop it off
seriously, in order to be able to create the desired shape.
I have always preferred awful voices they are full of possibilities. I was always reluctant about
'good' voices. When I say good voices, I am referring to a person who believes that they have a good
voice. If you have a good voice, that is, if you believe you do why go for training?
Perfection does not need improvement APEL Truth.050 I had students who came to me thinking
they were perfect, and hoping I would send them away and tell them there was nothing to teach them.
When I pointed out what they could do to improve their singing, they were very disappointed, as they
had been hoping for a little endorsement of their supposedly infallible voices. I have been there and I
have craved approval.
I could never carve anything out of them. If I believed that my singing was perfect, I would have
stopped long ago with training. But because I knew I was lacking in many ways, I went for it. I will
always be lacking something in my voice until the day I die. This means I will never stop training.
Having found the way to improve one's singing, or create singing when there is no talent, does not
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